
Audio Visualizer for OOP module

Primary LanguageJava

Music Visualizer Project

Name: Mikael Escolin Student Number: C18366453

Description of the assignment

For the assignment we had to create something to watch while listening to music. It could have been a game, audio visualizer, anything that would involve music.

I decided to do an audio visualizer


Just run comprun.sh and it will compile and run the project. Press spacebar to start or reset music.

How it works

I decided to create a three folder architecture. Main, Controller and Visuals.


The program starts in main and calls a function to start the visualizer.


This folder contained files that controlled how the music or visuals were handled.

AudioController was created which extended processing.core.PApplet. It contains functions that would load the song, play the song, calculate amplitude, etc.

AudioException contained the exception class for AudioController.

VisualController controlled what visuals were on the screen. It created objects from the Visuals folder and ran them.



Background was is a visual which drew the triangle background. I wanted to create the look of being inside a triangular shaped room. For example, being inside a triangular prism.

I used custom shapes to create the walls as I intended to put a linear gradient on it which I could not create in the end.

The triangles respondes to the music's amplitude. Once it reached a certain amplitude the colorOffset would be increased by the amplitude. This created an effect of the colors changing according to some elements to the music. Like in the song used it responded to the chorus' kick drum.


This folder contained the files for the particle system.

In the ParticlesSystem.java file it used vector datatype to hold. all the particles. It would draw call the display function of each particle every loop. It also checked if the particle was dead and if it was it would remove the particle from the vector and add a new one.

The addParticle function creates a particle of random x-coordinate at the bottom of the screen with a random acceleration.

ParticlesSystem.java also handled the response of each particle to the music's amplitude. It would increase the particles acceleration and then slow it down again.

Each particle was created using the Particle class. The particle class had two Pvectors. One for the position and one for the acceleration. The particle's position and acceleration was randomized by ParticlesSystem class. It's life, width and amplitude was randomized at the start as well.

The amplitude in Particle.java is not the audio amplitude but the amplitude of it's path which it followed using the sine wave equation. However, the sine wave was to constant so at every 60 frames I would create another random amplitude. This create a more sporadic movement.

To draw a particle you would run it's display function.

Particles have a life where when it reaches a certain number it is considered dead. Life ticks up because of the way the particle is drawn. When the particle is dead it would turn white before being removed. If it was full of life it would darker and close to black. Since it went from black to white, life had to tick up due to how I implemented the color change.

The particle had to first be updated using it's update function to update it's state and then it was moved using it's move function. Particles would always move upwards and sway.

What I am most proud of

I am most proud of the particle system as I have never done anything like it before. It took the most time out of everything and I am pleased with the results.


Link to my demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i41eY9ju2iI