
Primary LanguageHTML


Note that theses instructions were developed on OSX El Capitan. For other operating systems, your mileage may vary

  • Clone this repository.
  • Create a virtual environment using python3.4.
  • Add the line export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=website.settings.dev to the end of your new virtual environment's bin/activate.sh script.
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install postgres, and set your local settings to connect to it
    • brew install postgres
    • brew services start postgres
    • createdb `whoami`
    • You'll need to create a website/settings/local.py to instruct django on how to connect to this postgres database.
    • Theres is an example of how the DATABASES setting would look in website/settings/base.py
    • The name of the database will your username
    • You should have all privileges granted
    • Your database's password will be the same as your user account's
  • Install elasticsearch and turn it on
    • brew install elasticsearch
    • elasticsearch
  • python manage.py makemigrations
  • python manage.py migrate
  • python manage.py createsuperuser
  • python ensure_footer.py
  • python import_json.py
  • python manage.py rebuild_index
  • python manage.py runserver
  • The application should now be running at http://localhost:4200/

To run on Heroku:

  • Set up a Heroku account if you have not already.
  • Install Heroku CLI
  • Configure the remote to use the heroku remote in addition to the github remote, if desired.
  • heroku local web
  • The application should now be running at http://localhost:4200/


  • Access http://localhost:4200/admin and log in using the credentials you set up when you ran python manage.py createsuperuser.
  • First, we'll replace the default site with our own. Click on Explorer > Welcome to your new wagtail site!.
  • In the top left of the teal bar, click the home icon. This is where root pages to the site live.
  • Lets add a child page. We'll pick Home Page
  • Add some content and click publish at the bottom of the window.*
  • Your new page should be ready to view.

*When developing new pages on a live site, one should preview the page first.

Addtional Notes

  • To use Gunicorn, instead of running the server with: python manage.py runserver, use: gunicorn website.wsgi
  • To use Redis
    • Turn on Redis server by running redis-server.
    • Set the CACHES dict in local.py according to the Wagtail docs.
  • When a new page is published, a message will be sent to Flowdock to inform admins. Set the Flowdock API token as an environment variable. The format is: export FLOWDOCKTOKEN='the_api_token_from_flowdock
  • If need to export the Journal and Organization entries saved in database, run python export_json.py