
PHP source code API generator

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

ApiGen - PHP source code API generator

Build Status Downloads this Month Latest stable

ApiGen generates nice looking and user-friendly documentation.

Just look at Doctrine ORM API or Nette API.



As a PHAR (recommended)

  1. Download apigen.phar via installer:

    $ curl -sS http://apigen.org/installer | php
  2. Create apigen.neon file in your project. This is basic example only with all required items. The file uses Neon syntax.

        - src
    destination: api
  3. Run ApiGen:

    php apigen.phar generate

For global installation, see documentation.

Using Composer globally

Alternatively, you can install ApiGen via composer global .

composer global require apigen/apigen 


~/.composer/vendor/bin/apigen generate

If you add ~/.composer/vendor/bin to your PATH, you can run bin/apigen generate instead.

Using Composer as dependency of your project

Install package:

composer require apigen/apigen --dev 


php vendor/bin/apigen generate


# list of scanned file extensions (e.g. php5, phpt...)
	- php # default

# directories and files matching this file mask will not be parsed
	- tests/
	- vendor/
	- *Factory.php

# this files will be included in class tree, but will not create a link to their documentation
# either files
    - * <mask>``` # mask

# or with certain name prefix
    - Nette

# character set of source files; if you use only one across your files, we recommend you name it
	# default
    - auto # will choose from all supported (starting with UTF-8), slow and not 100% reliable
    # e.g.
    - UTF-8
    - Windows-1252

# elements with this name prefix will be considered as the "main project" (the rest will be considered as libraries)
main: ApiGen

# title of generated documentation
title: ApiGen API

# base url used for sitemap (useful for public doc)
baseUrl: http://api.apigen.org

# custom search engine id, will be used by search box
googleCseId: 011549293477758430224

# Google Analytics tracking code
googleAnalytics: UA-35236-5

# choose ApiGen own template theme
templateTheme: default # default [other options: bootstrap]

# want to use individual templates, higher priority than option templateTheme
templateConfig: path/to/individual/template-folder/config.neon

# the way elements are grouped in menu
groups: auto # default [other options: namespace, packages, none], auto will detect namespace first, than packages

# element supported by autocomplete in search input
	# default
	- classes
	- constants
	- functions
	# other
	- methods
	- properties
	- classconstants

# access levels of included method and properties
	# default
	- public
	- protected
	# other
	- private

# include elements marked as @internal/{@internal}
internal: false # default [true]

# generate documentation for PHP internal classes
php: true # default [false]

# generate tree view of classes, interfaces, traits and exceptions
tree: true # default [false]

# generate documentation for deprecated elements
deprecated: false # default [false]

# generate list of tasks with @todo annotation
todo: false # default [true]

# add link to ZIP archive of documentation
download: false # default [true]

Detailed documentation


When generating documentation of large libraries, not loading the Xdebug PHP extension will improve performance.