Emotion Analysis in NLP: Trends, Gaps and Roadmap for Future Direction

This repository contains survey data of the paper Emotion Analysis in NLP: Trends, Gaps and Roadmap for Future Direction accepted at LREC-COLING 2024.

We provide our survey data derived from the ACL Anthology. At the time of this study (September 2023), the ACL Anthology contained 88,294 papers. Our search focused on identifying papers whose titles or abstracts include keywords associated with the terminology used to describe NLP tasks in the field of EA. They are emotion analysis, emotion prediction, emotion classification, emotion detection, emotion recognition, emotion polarity classification, and emotion cause detection. We consider papers published in the last ten years. Then, we removed duplicates and papers from shared task participants, resulting in 438 papers. We applied additional criteria to ensure the inclusion of influential and relevant papers in our survey. Specifically, we selected papers with a citation count (from Semantic Scholar) higher than the median average (excluding self-citations) of 3.6. However, we adjusted this threshold to at least 1 citation for papers published in the last and current year. Among these, 119 are published in main conferences, 31 in workshops, 3 in Findings, and 1 in other venues. These papers are shown in the LREC_survey_data_emotion_analysis.tsv file.


title={{Emotion Analysis in NLP: Trends, Gaps and Roadmap for Future Directions}},
author={Flor Miriam, {Plaza-del-Arco} and Cercas Curry, Alba, and Cercas Curry, Amanda and Hovy, Dirk},
booktitle = "Proceedings of the the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)",
year = "2024",
publisher = "European Language Resources Association"