
Docker Introduction and basics

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What is DOCKER?

  • Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package.
  • Docker is an open source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers

How Docker works?


  • A developer will define all the applications and its dependencies and its requirements which is called as Docker File.
  • Docker File can be used to create Docker Images
  • When we run docker image, we will get Docker Containers. So docker containers are the run time instances of docker image and these images can also be stored in an online cloud repositories which is Docker Hub
  • In Docker Hub , there are many publicly available images and you can store your own docker images as well.
  • This image can be pulled to any environment like staging environment or test environment.

Client-Server Architecture of Docker


  • The daemon (server) receives the commands from the Docker client through CLI or REST API's
  • Docker client and daemon can be present on the same host (machine) or different hosts

Install Docker in Linux

  • sudo yum -y update
  • sudo yum install -y docker
  • docker
  • docker --version

Start Docker

  • start docker
  • sudo service docker start
  • sudo usermod-a-G docker "user"
  • docker info
  • docker run hello-world : to run hello-world image
  • docker images : to get list of images present locally
  • docker ps : to get list of runnig containers
  • docker ps-a : to get list of all containers

Stop Docker

sudo service docker stop

Uninstall Docker

sudo yum remove docker

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