
GLADmap - NodeJS + LeafletJS + OpenStreetMap + MongoDB + Docker

Primary LanguageHTML


GladMAP is an Open-Source Solution to obtaining MAP Data using the assistance of Leaflet, OpenStreetMap, & Twitter APIs

Documentation: https://da.gd/oh2016

Live Servers: https://da.gd/oh1


  1. Ubuntu 14.04 Server
  2. This Github Repo

How 2 Methods to Install

Method 1: Manually

  1. git clone https://github.com/Opportunity-Hack-San-Jose-2016/Repo-3.git
  2. cd Repo-3
  3. npm install
  4. npm start
  5. Service is running on localhost on port 80

  6. User web browser to browse to localhost or public IP

Method 2: Docker & Script

  1. git clone https://github.com/Opportunity-Hack-San-Jose-2016/Repo-3.git
  2. cd Repo-3
  3. bash RunToAutoInstallEverything.sh
  4. Service is running on localhost on port 80

  5. User web browser to browse to localhost or public IP


This is a NodeJS Web Application that allows Real-Time contribution of user report data and spread it through social media mediums such as Twitter.

Report data consists of user-defined status (SOS, Hazard, Supplies, & Found) for a target location.

A User is able to report Emergency data quickly and have it submitted to a centralized server.

The Server is able to export that data to GEOJSON format to import into QGis, a Open Source desktop mapping tool to inspect map data.


Milan Pal Singh: Front-End Dev., Lead Engineer

Charles M. Chong: Back-End Eng., Project Manager

Mansi Sogani: Front-End Dev., Support