
Quick Look to USDZ file and experience AR easily.

Primary LanguageSwift


This App is the simple AR experience App by using AR Quick Look.


  • iOS 12 and later
  • Xcode 10.2.1 and later
  • macOS 10.14.5 and later
  • Swift 5.0

Update Log

Version note
v1.0 -
v1.1 Added new WebAR contents(Mac Pro and Pro Display XDR)
Swift 4.2 -> Swift 5.0

Commentary article

This app made for my Qiita article's sample code.
I am a Japanese iOS application developer.
So this article is written in Japanese, sorry...


USDZ files

This app uses usdz files from Apple site.



  1. Build
  2. Select object image you want to check and tap cell.
  3. You can check Object and AR mode.

Tap cell you want to check.

Object Mode

AR mode


Web AR Contents

From v1.1, I added Web AR Contents(Mac Pro and Pro Display XDR). Orange border cell is applicable.