
PyTorch-based library for Riemannian Manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (RMHMC)

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

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PyTorch-based library for Riemannian Manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (RMHMC)

  • Perform HMC in user-defined log probabilities and in PyTorch neural networks (objects inheriting from the torch.nn.Module).
  • Available sampling schemes:
    • HMC
    • No-U-Turn Sampler
    • Implicit RMHMC
    • Explicit RMHMC

How to install

git clone https://github.com/AdamCobb/hamiltorch.git
cd hamiltorch
pip install .

How does it work?

Please refer to my blog post, or follow the notebook-style tutorials.

How to cite?

Please consider citing the following paper if you use hamiltorch in your research:

  title={Introducing an Explicit Symplectic Integration Scheme for Riemannian Manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo},
  author={Cobb, Adam D and Baydin, At{\i}l{\i}m G{\"u}ne{\c{s}} and Markham, Andrew and Roberts, Stephen J},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.06243},

Who developed hamiltorch?

Adam D Cobb

Atılım Güneş Baydin