Telnet Queue

Telnet Queue

Currently being tested, all builds as of 1.0.4 are beta!

The purpose of Telnet Queue is to be able to efficiently modify large amounts of MIU settings.

Telnet Queue allows sending commands without waiting in between, or wait for a response before sending the next command.


  • 64-bit Windows Computer
  • Have PuTTY installed with valid utility connections

Accepted Filetypes

Accepts CSV format, character delimiter must be either a comma, or newline. By selecting a file each entry will execute the command entered(replacing $1 with each entry)


This lists all available PuTTY sessions, which should contain mostly utility/client collector connections.

Run Test

The "Run Test" button will run a test against all available PuTTY sessions, then output the non-operational(unable to get a connection after 2000ms) utilities in a file.

The file will be opened automatically, and saved to the same directory Telnet Queue is located.


Once a Client is selected, this will show all online gateways. The gateway list will also have a selection labeled "All", which gives the ability to send a command to all gateways.


Each line entered will be executed on every MIU listed in the CSV, use $1 for MIU number placeholder.

For example,


rexec $1 "meter roll 6"
rexec $1 "meter trunc 0"

File Contents:




This execution would run rexec 123456 "meter roll 6", then after the specified Queue Wait set it'll execute rexec 123456 "meter trunc 0".

Then after the specified Queue Wait passes again, then it'll do the same thing but replacing 123456 with 654321

Queue Wait

The wait method can be either: Time based, or response based. If method is set to Time, then the program will wait the defined period of time(in minutes) before sending another command.

If method is set to Response, then the program will wait for a response(or the 2-hour timeout) to the command before sending the next. The response method is hard to have an estimated completion time, but will make sure all MIUs get the command and accept it before moving on.

Progress Bar

The progress bar will show the progress of the current execution. On time based executions, this will be very accurate; however, on response based executions this is more of an estimation. After pressing Execute there'll be a Remaining Time label and a percentage.


Starts sending commands to the given parameters



  • Initial Release


  • Allow -1 gateway selection for command execution on all gateways
  • Added progress bar and estimated remaining time
  • Significantly improved start-up time from changing PuTTY querying method


  • Code Cleanup
  • Updated README
  • Added newline delimiter to CSV miu list
  • Added comprehensive logging


  • Added ability to run multiple queues within a single instance (Tabbed)
  • Added ability to edit Queue Wait without using spinner
  • Added ability to either wait on response before sending command or wait based on time
  • Fixed bug where connection would be closed after commands were sent to the first gateway if -1 gateway was selected
  • Fixed bug where an MIU List would be duplicated in execution


  • Rewrote the Telnet handling of collector response, greatly improving reliability when using the Response based Queue Wait
  • Added View Log button to see Collector output, currently Work-in-Progress. Log will currently only show events that happen after the log is opened. Logging currently merges both Telnet Queue logs and response back from the connection.


  • Added compatibility with Collector Service 2.4.0


  • Updated connection issue message to include PuTTY service name in addition to the IP address and port
  • Added display message whenever a connection is established, but no gateway connections found.

1.0.8b (W.I.P):

  • Added "Run Test" button to go through all PuTTY sessions, and output all non-operational sessions in a file.


In the future I plan on adding a few features:

  1. Improved logging screen/persistent logging
  2. Ability to Save and Open Telnet Queue configuration
  3. Add gateway/utility to the tab