
Analysis of INTERNET usage in Latin America (STATA )

Primary LanguageStata

/* Project:                     Analysis_Latino_Barometro & LAPOP                                        */
/* File name:                   readme.txt                                         					     */
/* Description:                 - Description of file											         */ 
/* Log file name:               ""				                                                  		 */
/* First logged:                2016 January 7 Updated:			                                         */
/* Programmed by:               Milenko Fadic                                                            */
/* Input  files :               CPI, LAPOP, LATINBAROMETRO												 */
/* Temp   files:                NONE                                                                     */ 
/* Output files :               None																	 */
/*                                                                                                       */

The do file Latinobarometro_analysis.do analyses the LAPOP and LATINBAROMETRO datasets. It provides
some basic descriptive statistics on internet usage and penetration among a representative sample of 
Latin Americans. The file produces a time series graph per country with the percentage of the population
that frequently use the internet. 

For additional information please contact Milenko Fadic at gmail under milfadic.