
nxdomain subdomain enumeration

Primary LanguageGo


nxdomain subdomain enumeration. Helps in scaling the automation. Currently, it only helps to resolve the nxdomain if possible.


Typically, it's better to use it with -mdns flag since that would make this tool run a little faster.

$ cat test.txt | takemeon -mdns
test.milindpurswani.com | totallynonexistingdomain.com
test3.milindpurswani.com | totallynonexistingdomain.com
$ takemeon -h 
Usage of ./main:
  -c int
    	set the concurrency level (default 1)
    	Output in JSON format.
  -mdns string
    	Manually Specify dns server IP address only. (Just a little faster) (default "/etc/resolv.conf")


go get -u github.com/milindpurswani/takemeon

For more information,check out: https://pandaonair.com/2020/06/29/takemeon.html