

A console based version of the game Qwirkle made by me and 3 other RMIT students. The rules are mostly identical to those found here except that only one tile can be placed at a time. The game can host up to 12 players, and any of those players can be chosen to be an AI with a difficulty rating of EASY, MEDIUM or HARD.

Running and playing

The program can be built from the console with the makefile, using the command "make" while inside the directory. The program can then be run using "./qwirkle".

After navigating through the main menu and setting up a game, actions can be taken by entering specific commands:

  • "place X at Y" will place a tile X from your hand onto position Y (where the position is a letter number pair, eg. B5).
  • "replace X" will replace a tile in your hand with another tile from the bag.
  • "quit" will quit the game.
  • A game can also be saved to a file during a player's turn by using "save X" where X is a text filename, which can then be loaded later on from the main menu.