
Repository including all of the mini-project's that will be a part of my master's thesis. The idea is to find unusual AI/ML applications and implement them. The collective of this work will later be summarised in my Master's Thesis

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Repository including all of the mini-project's that will be a part of my master's thesis. The idea is to find unusual AI/ML applications and implement them. The collective of this work will later be summarised in my Master's Thesis

Each project contains its own README.md, to learn about each project go to a proper directory and read about it there

Main thesis idea: Reinforcement learning is widely researched yet very little business applications exist. Various project presented in the thesis serve as a way of exploring the possiblities of well known ML algorithms with the idea of discovering new business applications for RL and whole of ML.

Initial thesis title: Ogólny model sztucznej inteligencji na podstawie nieszablonowych zastosowań uczenia maszynowego Modeling artificial intelligence based upon unconventional machine learning applications

Ideas for projects:

  • Solving monopoly with RL
  • Sorting an array with ML ADA sort paper, So called "ML Sort"
  • Generating human faces with OLS - reddit inspiration and a similar post
  • Solve "Upgraded tic-tac-toe": https://youtu.be/bxXH5Q4ZUAw
  • Enriching datasets with handmade examples based on domain knowledge. It's a way of introducing a priori knowledge to models. For example if we know that low income means someone is less likely to have a good credit score we include observations that follow this. Or in RL if we're certain that for a certain state we want a given action we create a number of identical observations indicating that, similarly to bootstrapping with immitation learning
  • Problem: We have a stream of items, which are packaged into 10-item boxes. Each box has to be of certain weight at a minimum. We don't know all of the items in advance, we can stash up to 20 items aside to better bundle the items (disposing of items is possible). Aim: package up as many boxes as possible. Try to solve with RL?
  • Random neural networks for hashing/encrytpion? paper doing this


https://bdtechtalks.com/2021/10/04/ea-reinforcement-learning-game-testing/ https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.12142 - new imitation learning SOTA algorithm - IQ-learning https://towardsdatascience.com/generative-adversarial-imitation-learning-advantages-limits-7c87fc67e42d - about GAIL, which is beaten by IQ-learning


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