
Detecting faces and classifying political leaders in an image of the G20.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Face Detector & Face Classifier

Skeleton code was provided for this assignment to implement a face detector and face classifier using Matlab. The technical writeup focuses on the creation and subsequent optimisation of a basic face detector & classifier (as part of CM30080: Computer Vision).

Graded as a first.

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Face Detector

  • Working from the Skeleton code, a sliding normalisation technique was implemented to achieve a basic detection rate of ~21% with a template image.
  • Breadth-based exploration into increasing the detection rate including:
    • Isolating RGB channels
    • Edge detection with weak and strong edges
    • Optimising edge detection by reducing vertical lines and tuning threshold parameters
    • Additional Guassian kernels for noise reduction
    • Non-maximal surpression tuning
  • The improved detector raises the detection rate to ~68% using basic template matching.

Face Classifier

  • Implementation of the nearest-neighbour algorithm for basic classification using validation data.
  • Z-score and other normalisation techniques to double the classification rate.
  • Discussion on Support Vector Machines, Naive Bayes, and the Hungarian Algorithm for extending the classifier.

Full writeup included in the technical report.