
A CLI client for the https://transfer.sh service, the client allow upload several files at once and shate the donwload link by email

Primary LanguageGroovy


transfer-cli is a client for the https://transfer.sh service. The client can indicate one or more files and emails, after uploading the files will be sent by email the link to download these compressed files in a zip file.

How to transfer-cli send the download link by mail? Really very easy, to start using it you need to set up an email.


  • Java >= 8

In each release you can find the file transfer-cli.jar. It's a bit heavy (~ 9 MB) because it contains all the dependencies inside

Steps to configure an email account:

  1. Create a file called "transfer.properties" at the address "~ / .config / transfer-cli /"
  2. Configure the mail using the parameters you need, the parameters must be supported by java mail

Config gmail example: In the case of gmail it is necessary to activate the SMTP and allow access to unsafe applications

email=usermail@gmail.com //this parameter is used to define the "from" in the mail header

Sharing files

All the examples will be done using the jar file

java -jar transfer-cli.jar -F /myfile.pdf ~/picture.jpg -E friendemail@outlook.com otherfriend@gmail.com

It is possible to use as many F or E as needed, in the end they are all uploaded to the same zip file and the link is sent to all the recipients

java -jar transfer-cli.jar -F /file.mp3 -E friendemail@outlook.com -F ~/file.pdf -E otherfriend@gmail.com

For users of archlinux

You can find it in: AUR or install it with yaourt or other

yaourt -S transfer-cli

later it will be available in the command line as "transfer"