
Official PHP Library for Flutterwave v3 APIs

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Flutterwave v3 PHP SDK

GitHub release (latest by date) Packagist License

Use this library to integrate your PHP app to Rave.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

⚠️ Please note that PCI-DSS certification is required for card payment method to be enabled on this v3 SDK

See references for links to dashboard and API documentation.

Edit the paymentForm.php and processPayment.php files to suit your purpose. Both files are well documented.

Simply redirect to the paymentForm.php file on your browser to process a payment.


The vendor folder is committed into the project to allow easy installation for those who do not have composer installed. It is recommended to update the project dependencies using:

$ composer install flutterwavedev/flutterwave-v3

Setting Up Environment Variables

Create a .env file and follow the format of the .env.example file Save your PUBLIC_KEY, SECRET_KEY, ENV in the .env file

ENCRYPTION_KEY = "Encryption key"
ENV = "staging or live"


In this implementation, we are expecting a form encoded POST request to this script. The request will contain the following parameters.

  • payment_method Can be card, account, both
  • description Your transaction description
  • logo Your logo url
  • title Your transaction title
  • country Your transaction country
  • currency Your transaction currency
  • email Your customer's email
  • firstname Your customer's first name
  • lastname Your customer's last name
  • phonenumber Your customer's phonenumber
  • pay_button_text The payment button text you prefer
  • ref Your transaction reference. It must be unique per transaction. By default, the Rave class generates a unique transaction reference for each transaction. Pass this parameter only if you uncommented the related section in the script below.
// Prevent direct access to this class
define("BASEPATH", 1);


use Flutterwave\Rave;
use Flutterwave\EventHandlerInterface;

$URL = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http') . '://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$getData = $_GET;
$postData = $_POST;
$publicKey = $_SERVER['PUBLIC_KEY'];
$secretKey = $_SERVER['SECRET_KEY'];
$success_url = $postData['successurl'];
$failure_url = $postData['failureurl'];
$env = $_SERVER['ENV'];

    $_SESSION['publicKey'] = $publicKey;
    $_SESSION['secretKey'] = $secretKey;
    $_SESSION['env'] = $env;
    $_SESSION['successurl'] = $success_url;
    $_SESSION['failureurl'] = $failure_url;
    $_SESSION['currency'] = $postData['currency'];
    $_SESSION['amount'] = $postData['amount'];

$prefix = 'RV'; // Change this to the name of your business or app
$overrideRef = false;

// Uncomment here to enforce the useage of your own ref else a ref will be generated for you automatically
    $prefix = $postData['ref'];
    $overrideRef = true;

$payment = new Rave($_SESSION['secretKey'], $prefix, $overrideRef);

function getURL($url,$data = array()){
    $urlArr = explode('?',$url);
    $params = array_merge($_GET, $data);
    $new_query_string = http_build_query($params).'&'.$urlArr[1];
    $newUrl = $urlArr[0].'?'.$new_query_string;
    return $newUrl;

// This is where you set how you want to handle the transaction at different stages
class myEventHandler implements EventHandlerInterface{
     * This is called when the Rave class is initialized
     * */
    function onInit($initializationData){
        // Save the transaction to your DB.
     * This is called only when a transaction is successful
     * */
    function onSuccessful($transactionData){
        // Get the transaction from your DB using the transaction reference (txref)
        // Check if you have previously given value for the transaction. If you have, redirect to your successpage else, continue
        // Comfirm that the transaction is successful
        // Confirm that the chargecode is 00 or 0
        // Confirm that the currency on your db transaction is equal to the returned currency
        // Confirm that the db transaction amount is equal to the returned amount
        // Update the db transaction record (includeing parameters that didn't exist before the transaction is completed. for audit purpose)
        // Give value for the transaction
        // Update the transaction to note that you have given value for the transaction
        // You can also redirect to your success page from here
        if($transactionData->chargecode === '00' || $transactionData->chargecode === '0'){
          if($transactionData->currency == $_SESSION['currency'] && $transactionData->amount == $_SESSION['amount']){
                    header('Location: '.getURL($_SESSION['successurl'], array('event' => 'successful')));
                    $_SESSION = array();
                    header('Location: '.getURL($_SESSION['failureurl'], array('event' => 'suspicious')));
                    $_SESSION = array();
     * This is called only when a transaction failed
     * */
    function onFailure($transactionData){
        // Get the transaction from your DB using the transaction reference (txref)
        // Update the db transaction record (includeing parameters that didn't exist before the transaction is completed. for audit purpose)
        // You can also redirect to your failure page from here
            header('Location: '.getURL($_SESSION['failureurl'], array('event' => 'failed')));
            $_SESSION = array();
     * This is called when a transaction is requeryed from the payment gateway
     * */
    function onRequery($transactionReference){
        // Do something, anything!
     * This is called a transaction requery returns with an error
     * */
    function onRequeryError($requeryResponse){
        // Do something, anything!
     * This is called when a transaction is canceled by the user
     * */
    function onCancel($transactionReference){
        // Do something, anything!
        // Note: Somethings a payment can be successful, before a user clicks the cancel button so proceed with caution
            header('Location: '.getURL($_SESSION['failureurl'], array('event' => 'canceled')));
            $_SESSION = array();
     * This is called when a transaction doesn't return with a success or a failure response. This can be a timedout transaction on the Rave server or an abandoned transaction by the customer.
     * */
    function onTimeout($transactionReference, $data){
        // Get the transaction from your DB using the transaction reference (txref)
        // Queue it for requery. Preferably using a queue system. The requery should be about 15 minutes after.
        // Ask the customer to contact your support and you should escalate this issue to the flutterwave support team. Send this as an email and as a notification on the page. just incase the page timesout or disconnects
            header('Location: '.getURL($_SESSION['failureurl'], array('event' => 'timedout')));
            $_SESSION = array();

    // Make payment
    ->eventHandler(new myEventHandler)
    ->setPaymentOptions($postData['payment_options']) // value can be card, account or both
    // ->setMetaData(array('metaname' => 'SomeDataName', 'metavalue' => 'SomeValue')) // can be called multiple times. Uncomment this to add meta datas
    // ->setMetaData(array('metaname' => 'SomeOtherDataName', 'metavalue' => 'SomeOtherValue')) // can be called multiple times. Uncomment this to add meta datas
    if($getData['cancelled'] && $getData['tx_ref']){
        // Handle canceled payments
        ->eventHandler(new myEventHandler)
        // Handle completed payments
        $payment->logger->notice('Payment completed. Now requerying payment.');
        ->eventHandler(new myEventHandler)
        $payment->logger->warn('Stop!!! Please pass the txref parameter!');
        echo 'Stop!!! Please pass the txref parameter!';

Account Charge

The following implementation shows how to initiate a direct bank charge. Use the Playground DIrectory to view Responses and samples of use.

use Flutterwave\Account;
//The data variable holds the payload
$data = array(
    "amount" => "3000",
    "type" => "debit_ng_account",//debit_ng_account or debit_uk_account
    "account_bank" => "044",
    "account_number" => "0690000037",
    "currency" => "NGN",//NGN or GBP
    "email" => "olaobajua@gmail.com",
    "phone_number" => "07067965809",
    "fullname" => "Olaobaju Abraham",
    "client_ip" => "",
    "device_fingerprint" => "62wd23423rq324323qew1",
    "meta" => [
        "flightID" => "213213AS"

$payment = new Account();
$result = $payment->accountCharge($data);

  $id = $result['data']['id'];
  $verify = $payment->verifyTransaction($id);

ACH Charge

The following implementation shows how to accept payments directly from customers in the US and South Africa. Use the Playground DIrectory to view Responses and samples of use.

use Flutterwave\Ach;
//The data variable holds the payload

$data = array(
    "tx_ref" =>  "MC-1585230ew9v5050e8",
    "amount" => "100",
    "type" => "ach_payment",
    "currency" => "USD",
    "country" => "US",
    "email" => "ekene@gmail.com",
    "phone_number" => "0902620185",
    "fullname" => "Ekene Eze",
    "redirect_url" => "http://ekene.com/u/payment-completed",

$payment = new Ach();

$result = $payment->achCharge($data);
  $id = $result['data']['id'];
  $verify = $payment->verifyTransaction($id);

Card Charge

The following implementation shows how to initiate a card charge. Use the Playground Directory to view an implementation Responses and samples of use.

use Flutterwave\Card;
//The data variable holds the payload
$data = array(
    "card_number"=> "5531886652142950",
    "cvv"=> "564",
    "expiry_month"=> "09",
    "expiry_year"=> "22",
    "currency"=> "NGN",
    "amount" => "1000",
    "fullname"=> "Ekene Eze",
    "email"=> "ekene@flw.com",
    "phone_number"=> "0902620185",
    "fullname" => "temi desola",
    //"tx_ref"=> "MC-3243e",// should be unique for every transaction
    "redirect_url"=> "https://webhook.site/3ed41e38-2c79-4c79-b455-97398730866c",

$payment = new Card();
$res = $payment->cardCharge($data);//This call is to figure out the authmodel
$data['authorization']['mode'] = $res['meta']['authorization']['mode'];

if($res['meta']['authorization']['mode'] == 'pin'){

    //Supply authorization pin here
    $data['authorization']['pin'] = '3310';

if($res['meta']['authorization']['mode'] == 'avs_noauth'){
    //supply avs details here
    $data["authorization"] = array(
            "mode" => "avs_noauth",
            "city"=> "Sampleville",
            "address"=> "3310 sample street ",
            "state"=> "Simplicity",
            "country"=> "Simple",
            "zipcode"=> "000000",

$result = $payment->cardCharge($data);//charge with new fields
// print_r($result);//this returns the an array

if($result['data']['auth_mode'] == 'otp'){
    $id = $result['data']['id'];
    $flw_ref = $result['data']['flw_ref'];
    $otp = '12345';
    $validate = $payment->validateTransaction($otp,$flw_ref);// you can print_r($validate) to see the response
    $verify = $payment->verifyTransaction($id);

Mobile Money Payments

The following implementation shows how to initiate a mobile money payment. Use the Playground Directory to view Responses and samples of use.

use Flutterwave\MobileMoney;
//The data variable holds the payload
$data = array(
    "order_id" => "USS_URG_89245453s2323",
    "amount" => "1500",
    "type" => "mobile_money_rwanda",// could be mobile_money_rwanda,mobile_money_uganda, mobile_money_zambia, mobile_money_ghana
    "currency" => "RWF",
    "email" => "ekene@flw.com",
    "phone_number" => "054709929220",
    "fullname" => "John Madakin",
    "client_ip" => "",
    "device_fingerprint" => "62wd23423rq324323qew1",
    "meta" => [
        "flightID" => "213213AS"

$payment = new MobileMoney();
$result = $payment->mobilemoney($data);
$id = $result['data']['id'];
$verify = $payment->verifyTransaction($id);


Collect payments via ussd

use Flutterwave\Ussd;
//The data variable holds the payload
$data = array(
        "tx_ref" => "MC-15852309v5050e8",
        "account_bank" => "058",
        "amount" => "1500",
        "currency" =>"NGN",
        "email" =>"user@gmail.com",
        "phone_number" =>"054709929220",
        "fullname" => "John Madakin",

$payment = new Ussd();
$result = $payment->ussd($data);//initiates the charge

echo 'Dial '.$result['meta']['authorization']['note'].' to authorize your transaction';

//A webhook notification would be sent to you....

  $id = $result['data']['id'];
  $verify = $payment->verifyTransaction($id);


Collect payments from your customers via Mpesa.

use Flutterwave\Mpesa;

$data = array(
    "amount" => "1500",
    "type" => "mpesa",
    "currency" => "KES",
    "email" => "ekene@flw.com",
    "phone_number" => "054709929220",
    "fullname" => "Ekene Eze",
    "client_ip" => "",
    "device_fingerprint" => "62wd23423rq324323qew1",
    "meta" => [
        "flightID" => "213213AS"

$payment = new Mpesa();

$result = $payment->mpesa($data);
  $id = $result['data']['id'];
  $verify = $payment->verifyTransaction($id);

Transfer Implementation

How to make a transfer payment

use Flutterwave\Transfer;
//sample payload for payBill()
$data = array(
    "account_bank"=> "044",
    "account_number"=> "0690000040",
    "amount"=> 5500,
    "narration"=> "Akhlm Pstmn Trnsfr xx007",
    "currency"=> "NGN",
    "reference"=> "akhlm-pstmnpyt-rfxx007_PMCKDU_1",// read the docs about testing successful and failed transaction.
    "callback_url"=> "https://webhook.site/b3e505b0-fe02-430e-a538-22bbbce8ce0d",
    "debit_currency"=> "NGN"

//sample payload for bulkBill()
$bulkdata = array(
  "title"=> "Staff salary",
  "bulk_data"=> array(
          "bank_code"=> "044",
          "account_number"=> "0690000032",
          "amount"=> 45000,
          "currency"=> "NGN",
          "narration"=> "akhlm blktrnsfr",
          "reference"=> "akhlm-blktrnsfr-xx03"
          "bank_code"=> "044",
          "account_number"=> "0690000034",
          "amount"=> 5000,
          "currency"=> "NGN",
          "narration"=> "akhlm blktrnsfr",
          "reference"=> "akhlm-blktrnsfr-xy03"

$getdata = array(

$listdata = array(

$feedata = array(
'currency'=> 'NGN', //if currency is omitted. the default currency of NGN would be used.
'amount'=> 1000

$payment = new Transfer();
$result = $payment->singleTransfer($data);//initiate single transfer payment
$createBulkTransfer = $payment->bulkTransfer($bulkdata);// get bulk result....
$transfers = $payment->listTransfers($listdata);//you can add a payload for the page. you can remove the array if want to get it all.
$getTransferFee = $payment->getTransferFee($feedata);
  $id = $result['data']['id'];
  $verify = $payment->verifyTransaction($id);

Virtual Cards

The following implementation shows how to create virtual cards on rave. Use the Playground Directory to view Responses and samples of use.

use Flutterwave\VirtualCard;

$data = array(
    "billing_name"=>"Jermaine Graham",
    "billing_address"=>"2014 Forest Hills Drive",

    $trns_data = array('id'=> 'a41de883-c8da-45a0-9b23-37780c88285f');
    $getCardData = array('id'=>'7a81d279-a07a-4775-a55a-5fa2c98e20ae');
    $terminate_data = array('id'=>'1cb36826-8e05-40d6-8b9e-7f7439a141cb');
    $fund_data = array('id'=>'1cb36826-8e05-40d6-8b9e-7f7439a141cb', 'amount'=>'2000', 'debit_currency'=>'NGN');
    $withdraw_data = array('id'=>'1cb36826-8e05-40d6-8b9e-7f7439a141cb', 'amount'=>'500');
    $blockCard_data = array('id' => '1cb36826-8e05-40d6-8b9e-7f7439a141cb', 'status_action'=>'block');

    $card = new VirtualCard();
    $createCard = $card->createCard($data);//initiates the charge
    $getCard = $card->getCard($getCardData);
    $getCards = $card->listCards();
    $terminate = $card->terminateCard($terminate_data);
    $fund = $card->fundCard($fund_data);
    $transactions = $card->cardTransactions($trns_data);
    $withdraw = $card->cardWithdrawal($withdraw_data);
    $block_unblock = $card->block_unblock_card($blockCard_data);

BVN Verification

The following implementation shows how to verify a Bank Verification Number.

use Flutterwave\Bvn;
//The data variable holds the payload
$bvn_number = "123456789";
$bvn = new Bvn();
$result = $bvn->verifyBVN($bvn_number);

Payment Plans

The following implementation shows how to create a payment plan on the rave dashboard. Use the Playground Directory to view Responses and samples of use.

use Flutterwave\PaymentPlan;

//sample payload for payBill()
$data = array(
    "amount"=> 2000,
    "name"=> "plan 2",
    "interval"=> "monthly",
    "duration"=> 48
$update = array( "id" => "5356","name" => "The Game","status" => "Active");
$getdata = array("id"=>"5116");

$payment = new PaymentPlan();
$result = $payment->createPlan($data);//create a Plan reciept
$updateResult = $payment->updatePlan($update);//update a plan....
$paymentPlans = $payment->getPlans();//list all payment plans....
$aPlan = $payment->get_a_plan($getdata);//get a payment plans....

Subaccount Management

The following implementation shows how to create a subaccount on the rave dashboard Use the Playground Directory to view Responses and samples of use.

use Flutterwave\Subaccount;

$data = array(
    "account_bank"=> "044",
    "account_number"=> "0690000037",
    "business_name"=> "Eternal Blue",
    "business_email"=> "petya@stux.net",
    "business_contact"=> "Anonymous",
    "business_contact_mobile"=> "090890382",
    "business_mobile"=> "09087930450",
    "country"=> "NG",
    "meta"=> array(
            "meta_name"=> "mem_adr",
            "meta_value"=> "0x16241F327213"
    "split_type"=> "percentage",
    "split_value"=> 0.5

$fetch_data = array("id" => "RS_9247C52A37C5EB15C7E8E974CD1B35D7");
$update_data = array("id" => "2755","business_name"=>"Mad O!","business_email"=> "mad@o.enterprises",
"account_bank"=> "044","account_number"=> "0690000040","split_type"=> "flat","split_value"=> "200");

$subaccount = new Subaccount();
$createSubaccount = $subaccount->createSubaccount($data);
$getSubaccounts = $subaccount->getSubaccounts();
$fetchSubaccount = $subaccount->fetchSubaccount($fetch_data);
$updateSubaccount = $subaccount->updateSubaccount($update_data);

Transfer Recipient

The following implementation shows how to create a transfer recipient on the rave dashboard. Use the Playground Directory to view Responses and samples of use.

use Flutterwave\Recipient;

$data = array(
    "account_bank"=> "044",
    "account_number"=> "0690000036",
$fetchdata = array(
  'id' => '6153'
$deldata = array(

$payment = new Recipient();
$recipient1 = $payment->createRecipient($data);//Create a recipient for transfer
$recipients = $payment->listRecipients();// get all existing recipients
$recipient = $payment->fetchBeneficiary($fetchdata);//fetch a specific recipient.
$deleteRecipient = $payment->deleteBeneficiary($deldata);//delete recipient


The following implementation shows how to activate a subscription, fetch a subscription, get all subscriptions.

use Flutterwave\Subscription;

$id = 1112 //Id of subscription plan
//$cid = 2222
$subscription = new Subscription();
$resultGet = $subscription->getAllSubscription();//gets all existing subscription
$resultActivate = $subscription->activateSubscription($id);// activates a subscription plan
$resultCancel = $subscription->cancelSubscription($cid);// activates a subscription plan

//returns the result 


The following implementation shows how to pay for any kind of bill from Airtime to DSTv payments to Tolls. Please view the rave documentation section on Bill payment for different types of bill services you can pass into the payBill method as an$array.

visit: https://developer.flutterwave.com/v3.0/reference#buy-airtime-bill

use Flutterwave\Bill;

$data = array(
    "country"=> "NG",
	"customer"=> "+23490803840303",
	"amount"=> 500,
	"recurrence"=> "ONCE",
	"type"=> "AIRTIME",
	"reference"=> "9300049645534545454332433"

//sample payload for bulkBill()
$bulkdata = array(
    "bulk_data"=> array(
        "country"=> "NG",
        "customer"=> "+23490803840303",
        "amount"=> 500,
        "recurrence"=> "WEEKLY",
        "type"=> "AIRTIME",
        "customer"=> "+23490803840304",
        "amount"=> 500,
        "recurrence"=> "WEEKLY",

$getdata = array(

$payment = new Bill();
$result = $payment->payBill($data);//create a bill paymenr
$bulkresult = $payment->bulkBill($bulkdata);//create bulk bill payment....
$getresult = $payment->getBill($getdata);// get bulk result....
$getAgencies = $payment->getAgencies();
$getBillCategories = $payment->getBillCategories();


The following implementation shows how to create a electronic receipt.

use Flutterwave\Ebill;

$data = array(
    "narration"=> "mndkn blls",
    "number_of_units"=> 2,//should be a string
    "currency"=> "NGN",
    "amount"=> 200,//should be a string
    "phone_number"=> "09384747474",
    "tx_ref"=> "akhlm-pstmn-1094434370393",
    "ip"=> "",
    "custom_business_name"=> "John Madakin",
    "country"=> "NG"

$update = array(
    "reference"=>"RVEBLS-2B93A7039017-90937",//on creation of order, this is the flw_ref
    "currency"=> "NGN",
    "amount"=> "4000"

$payment = new Ebill();
$result = $payment->order($data);//create an order reciept
$updateResult = $payment->updateOrder($update);//create bulk bill payment....

Virtual Accounts

The following implementation shows how to create a virtual Account. Please view the documentation for more options that can be added in the payload https://developer.flutterwave.com/reference#create-a-virtual-account-number

use Flutterwave\VirtualAccount;

//sample payload for payBill()
$data = array(
  "email"=> "johnmadakin@allstar.com",
  "duration"=> 5,
  "frequency"=> 5,
  "is_permanent"=> true,
  "tx_ref"=> "jhn-mdkn-101923123463"

$bulkdata = array(
  "accounts"=> 5,
  "email"=> "sam@son.com",
  "is_permanent"=> true,
  "tx_ref"=> "jhn-mndkn-012439283422"

$batch = array('batch_id' => 'RND_2641579516055928');

$getdata = array(

$account = new VirtualAccount();
$result = $account->createVirtualAccount($data);//create a virtak account
$bulkAccounts = $account->createBulkAccounts($bulkdata);//create bulk v accounts
$virtualAccounts = $account->getBulkAccounts($batch);//list all bulk accounts
$virtualAccount = $account->getAccountNumber($getdata);//get an account.

Tokenized Charge

Once the charge and validation leg is complete for the first charge on the card, you can make use of the token for subsequent charges.

use Flutterwave\TokenizedCharge;

$data = array(
     "token"=> "flw-t1nf-1ff187b04cecb4acff4ac62c2b6f7784-m03k",
     "currency"=> "NGN",
     "country"=> "NG",
     "amount"=> 30300,
     "email"=> "olaobajua@gmail.com",
     "first_name"=> "Anonymous",
     "last_name"=> "customer",
     "client_ip" =>"",
     "device_fingerprint" =>"62wd23423rq324323qew1" 

$payment = new TokinizedCharge();
$result = $payment->tokenCharge($data);//initiates the charge
$verify = $payment->verifyTransaction();

view Transactions

list all transactions on your account. You could do a specific query using customer_email or customer_fullname to make specifc search. View all successfull or failed transactions for a particular period, month or year. Please read the MISCELLANEOUS section of the Api documentation for more option to pass. https://developer.flutterwave.com/reference#list-transactions

use Flutterwave\Transactions;

$data = array(
'amount'=> 1000
$fetch_data = array(
$time_data = array(

$history = new Transactions();
$transactions = $history->viewTransactions();
$transactionfee = $history->getTransactionFee($data);
$verifyTransaction = $history->verifyTransaction($fetch_data);
$timeline = $history->viewTimeline($time_data);

Voucher payment

Collect ZAR payments offline using Vouchers


use Flutterwave\VoucherPayment;
//The data variable holds the payload
$data = array(
        //"public_key": "FLWPUBK-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-X"//you can ommit the public key as the key is take from your .env file
        //"tx_ref": "MC-15852309v5050e8",
        "amount"=> "100",
        "type"=> "voucher_payment",
        "currency"=> "ZAR",
        "pin"=> "19203804939000",
        "phone_number" =>"0902620185",
        "account_bank" => "058",
        "fullname" => "Ekene Eze",
        "client_ip" =>"",
        "device_fingerprint" =>"62wd23423rq324323qew1",
        "meta" => array(
            "flightID"=> "123949494DC"

$payment = new VoucherPayment();
$result = $payment->voucher($data);
  $id = $result['data']['id'];
  $verify = $payment->verifyTransaction($id);

You can also find the class documentation in the docs folder. There you will find documentation for the Rave class and the EventHandlerInterface.


  • Switch to Live Mode on the Dashboard settings page
  • Use the Live Public API key

Built Using

  • PHP

Flutterwave API References