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A SwiftUI wrapper for MKMapView
This offers a couple more features compared to SwiftUI.Map
@State private var coordinateRegion: MKCoordinateRegion = ...
@State private var items: [MapViewAnnotation] = ...
region: $coordinateRegion,
showsUserLocation: false,
userTrackingMode: .none,
annotations: $items
.mapDisplayRoute() // connect annotations with lines
.mapRouteStyle(.dashed(5, tint: .red) // Use a dashed line
.mapAnnotations(.visible, tint: .mint) // show annotations with custom tint
.mapConfiguration(.hybrid) // use the hybrid map style
The above example usage would deliver a map view similar to this one:
@State private var coordinateRegion: MKCoordinateRegion = ...
@State private var items: [MapViewAnnotation] = ...
region: $coordinateRegion,
showsUserLocation: false,
userTrackingMode: .none,
annotations: $items
.mapDisplayRoute() // connect annotations with lines
.mapRouteStyle(.dashed(5, tint: .red) // Use a dashed line
.mapAnnotations(.visible, tint: .mint) // show annotations with custom tint
.mapConfiguration(.hybrid) // use the hybrid map style
There are a couple of modifiers available for configuring additional options for the map view.
func mapDisplayRoute(
_ visibility: MapViewVisibility = .visible
) -> some View
: Whether or not the route will be visible.
func mapRouteStyle(_ style: MapRouteStyle) -> some View
: The route line style to use.
func mapAnnotations(
_ visibility: MapViewVisibility = .visible,
tint: Color = .red,
calloutEnabled: Bool = false,
fitInVisibleRect: Bool = false,
animated: Bool = true
) -> some View
: Whether or not annotations will be visible.tint
: The default tint color of the annotation. This can be overridden by settingMapViewAnnotation/tint
: Whether or not to show a detail callout when an annotation is selected. Note that this will only work if the annotation has a title.fitInVisibleRect
: Whether or not to automatically adjust map zoom to fit all annotations.animated
: Whether or not to animate changes.
func mapConfiguration(
_ configuration: MapViewConfiguration,
elevationStyle: MKMapConfiguration.ElevationStyle = .flat, // iOS 16 only
poiFilter: MKPointOfInterestFilter = .includingAll,
selectableFeatures: MKMapFeatureOptions = [] // iOS 16 only
) -> some View
: A configuration option defining the map style.elevationStyle
: Defines how elevation data is handled when rendering the map view.poiFilter
: A filter that includes or excludes point of interest categories from a map view, local search, or local search completer.selectableFeatures
: Describes which selectable features the map responds to.
func mapUserInteraction(
zoom: Bool = true,
scroll: Bool = true,
pitch: Bool = true,
rotate: Bool = true
) -> some View
: A Boolean value that determines whether the user may use pinch gestures to zoom in and out of the map.scroll
: A Boolean value that determines whether the user may scroll around the map.pitch
: A Boolean value that indicates whether the map uses the camera’s pitch information.rotate
: A Boolean value that indicates whether the map uses the camera’s heading information.