[P]lanetary [D]ata [R]eader - A single function to read all Planetary Data System (PDS) data into Python
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delay expensive imports
#79 opened by m-stclair - 3
Change to use actual rms-vax package
#65 opened by rfrenchseti - 5
Implement byte order fix for lro lamp rdrs
#78 opened by Sierra-MC - 1
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LRO wea files not parsing correctly
#68 opened by Sierra-MC - 0
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Add a swap axes option to dump_browse
#63 opened by Sierra-MC - 1
On Windows, the unit-test CI action is running all pip-based builds with Python 3.9
#72 opened by zackw - 1
Reindex duplicated pointers we don't warn about
#61 opened by Sierra-MC - 1
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Add support for line prefixes in tables
#62 opened by Sierra-MC - 5
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Code of Conduct
#66 opened by AndrewAnnex - 1
"Community guidelines": more details needed
#71 opened by gaelccc - 4
LRO bsp pointers not yet fully implemented
#69 opened by Sierra-MC - 0
Community guidelines" need some text
#70 opened by gaelccc - 5
pdr.Data missing __contains__ method
#57 opened by zackw - 2
set the values of metadata keys associated with blank FITS header cards to `None`
#58 opened by m-stclair - 2
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Support for non-SRC MEX/HRSC images
#55 opened by msbentley - 1
New Horizons swap null spice file workaround
#52 opened by Sierra-MC - 2
Fail to load CRISM DDR data
#54 opened by justinbl - 0
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pdr.metadata ignores exponent with PDS3 labels
#53 opened by sschmaus - 3
Incorrect parsing of bit mask values
#51 opened by fkmjr - 5
support for VAX_REAL data type
#46 opened by Sierra-MC - 3
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support for FITS tables
#48 opened by Sierra-MC - 3
Cannot open SPREADSHEET data object (Unable to load SPREADSHEET: 'START_BYTE')
#45 opened by msbentley - 3
error when given a non-existant file
#44 opened by rjwilson-LASP - 5
cassini missing from supported_missions docs
#37 opened by michaelaye - 2
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support the datasets of Galileo in PDS3
#42 opened by AlimyBreak - 4
support for suffix items in PDS3 THEMIS IR
#30 opened by thareUSGS - 21
Flexible handling of paths to format files
#36 opened by msbentley - 3
#35 opened by msbentley - 4
Error loading Rosetta/RPC MIP data table
#34 opened by msbentley - 3
Scrambled table
#33 opened by msbentley - 4
Problem loading Rosetta RPC-MIP data file
#32 opened by msbentley - 2
Support reading from URL
#31 opened by msbentley - 2
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refactor read_table
#27 opened by m-stclair