
For Fix the error in Remnant II and other gammes that saids that dx12 is not supported by your card in linux, on lutris, bottles or steam in many games like insurgency sandstorm or Remnant2.



  • Bottles (I prefer bottles than lutris for this example, is more secure and easy, i am using flatpak version)
  • vc_redist of microsoft (Need it in the bottle or runner, download links bellow.)
  • If you use a non original version and want play online lan need do this steps firts (Online Fix for non original or mirror post) and then continue reading this guide.
  • If you use the original steam game, can start here
  • ProtonUP-QT

Create a bottle or runner with whatever proton-ge it is not important for now in my case my bottles is insurgencito (create by insurgency but now i'll use it for renmnat 2) Located in: /home/noe/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Insurgencito Now install vc_redist in the bottle:


Add ProtonGE to steam

in the Renmnat case I'm using Proton-GE-8-13, installed with ProtonUP-QT

Important note for install Proton-GE versions: you need download and extract Proton-GE manually or using ProtonUp-Qt (tool), but need stay sure that Steam detects your Proton-GE

By default in my ProtonUp-QT, it install the runners in ~/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/ (STEAM DONT DETECT THIS IN MY PC)

In my case i need move or install direct the runners in ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/ image My folder of the bottle is /home/noe/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Insurgencito (this is the folder in bottles flatpak version, if you dont use flatpak, search the correct location)

TIP: If you use non steam version and need install SteamTinkerLaunch, you can do it using ProtonUP-QT

Create a virtual disk and link the compatdata and pfx

STEP 1 (only needed if you use a non original steam game) else Direct go to the Step 2

This step is probably the more hard.

You need use the compatdata folder of a installed game or install un games


in my case i think use the insurgency steam compat folder (581320) for my Remnant II Keep it in mind because we need add it in a enviroment variable

STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/media/noe/Jouji/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/581320 if you need add the Env variable in non original games maybe could need it ENV-Variable Oficial Docs its very easy, please read or try add it to the launch options, i am not sure if works too.

STEP 2 (if you have the original game)

you id should be the number 1282100 And this case we dont need create a enviroment variable, but if you dont found this folder, search in you game by your id image

STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/media/noe/Jouji/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1282100 using the 1282100 for your game, ignore my image number

STEP 3 (This is very very important for anything case)

Need move or delete pfx in the compatdata/ID-game/pfx folder for then create a link to the bottles in the pfx contais the virtual disk informacition with the windows files.

for the non original games

sudo rm /media/noe/Jouji/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/{ID-SOMEONE-GAME}/pfx
sudo ln -s /home/noe/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/{yourBottleName} /media/noe/Jouji/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/{ID-SOMEONE-GAME}/pfx

For the original games

sudo rm /media/noe/Jouji/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1282100/pfx
sudo ln -s /home/noe/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/{yourBottleName} /media/noe/Jouji/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1282100/pfx

note for both: (/media/noe/Jouji) is my HDD disk where is installed the game

If you doing all, now the game should run. Go to the game and select your Proton-GE runner, if you have something vc_redist error, need verify that the steam is loading correctly the STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH or sure install in the correct bottles the vc_redist files
