
Deezloader and an FTP server all served with Docker on top

Primary LanguageShell

Deezloader & FTP

Run 2 docker images (one for deezloader one for the FTP) so that you can download and transfer music to any device easily


  • Docker installed and properly configured
  • Preferably a *NIX machine (although the installtion scripts can easily be used on Windows with some modificaton)


  • Clone the repo (duh)
  • Run ./setup
    • This will prompt you to make a new FTP user account.
    • The script also creates 2 new volumes (one for the FTP user information and one for the saved music)
    • The script also downloads the FTP image and starts a container with it temporarily to setup the new user
  • Run ./start to start both the Deezloader instance and the FTP server


  • The Deezloader server is downloaded through yarn
  • The FTP image used is pure-ftpd
  • Connect to your browser with localhost:1720 to download music
  • connect with an FTP client to localhost:21 to transfer music
  • The following ports are used (1720 for deezloader, 21 for the FTP command stream, 30000-30009 for the FTP data stream). All of this can be configured in ./start & ./setup