
Demos Jhispter and Kubernetes and microservices

Primary LanguageJava


Demos Jhispter and Kubernetes and microservices

1) Generate all 4 projects

In a new folder, generate the JHipster microservices architecture:

  • directory /uaa: User Account and Authentication (UAA) Server.
  • directory /catalog: Microservice catalog.
  • directory /contoso: Gateway contoso Angular 5.
  • directory /number: Microservice number.

Calling yo jhipster to generate all Maven 4 projects

User Account and Authentication (UAA) Server:

Microservice catalog:

Gateway contoso:

Microservice number:

2) Adding a Product entity

In /catalog, generate a product entity:

  • yo jhipster:entity product
  • Add field name of type String, and marked as Required.
  • Add field price of type Double, and marked as Required.
  • Add field isbn of type String.

3) Test the solution

Stop all current instances:

  • docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
  • docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Launch docker images:

  • docker-compose -f uaa/src/main/docker/mysql.yml up -d
  • docker-compose -f catalog/src/main/docker/jhipster-registry.yml up -d
  • docker-compose -f catalog/src/main/docker/mongodb.yml up -d

Execute mvnw in each folder, in the correct order:

  • uaa
  • catalog
  • contoso

Check those URLS:

4) Adding IsbnResource in the /number microservice

In /number/src/main/java/com/mycompany/myapp/web/rest add the following code in a java class called IsbnResource.java:

package com.mycompany.myapp.web.rest;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class IsbnResource {

    public String generateIsbnNumber() {
        return "ISBN-" + Math.random();

Test those two urls to check if Swagger is available and the isbn result as well:

Disable the authentication for testing purpose

In /config/MicroserviceSecurityConfiguration.java, make a small modification :

  • Change .antMatchers("/api/**").authenticated()
  • With .antMatchers("/api/**").permitAll()
  • Then test again http://localhost:8082/api/isbn: Should return a correct isbn number.

An after revert to authenticated()

5) Generate the /catalog code with the swagger generator

In /catalog directory, generate the server code using the jhispter-swagger-cli:

  • yo jhipster-swagger-cli

In /client/isbn/api/ApiApiClient.java replace the code and use the @AuthorizedFeignClient annotation code :

package com.mycompany.myapp.client.isbn.api;

import com.mycompany.myapp.client.AuthorizedFeignClient;

public interface ApiApiClient extends ApiApi {

In /web/rest/ProductResource.java, replace the following code:

private ApiApiClient isbnClientApi;

public ResponseEntity<Product> createProduct(@Valid @RequestBody Product product) throws URISyntaxException {
    log.debug("REST request to save Product : {}", product);
    if (product.getId() != null) {
        throw new BadRequestAlertException("A new product cannot already have an ID", ENTITY_NAME, "idexists");

    String isbnNumber = isbnClientApi.generateIsbnNumberUsingGET().getBody();

    Product result = productRepository.save(product);
    return ResponseEntity.created(new URI("/api/products/" + result.getId()))
        .headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityCreationAlert(ENTITY_NAME, result.getId().toString()))

6) Generate the kubernetes config

Create a /kubernetes folder

in the /kubernetes dir, launch the yo jhipster:kubernetes command

7) Generate the dockers images

Generate the missing Docker image(s):

./mvnw verify -Pprod dockerfile:build in \catalog
./mvnw verify -Pprod dockerfile:build in \contoso
./mvnw verify -Pprod dockerfile:build in \number
./mvnw verify -Pprod dockerfile:build in \uaa

Push images to a registry: Tag and push the images:

docker image tag catalog spertus/catalog
docker push spertus/catalog
docker image tag contoso spertus/contoso
docker push spertus/contoso
docker image tag number spertus/number
docker push spertus/number
docker image tag uaa spertus/uaa
docker push spertus/uaa

8) Create a kubernetes cluster in AZURE

Login to your Azure account and follow the instructions (you will have to copy paste a generated code):

az login

-- Check if you have valid subscription:
az account list --output table

Create a resource group named rgkub on AZURE :

az group create --name rgkub --location westeurope

Now, we are going to use the aks command line. See more informations about aks here : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/aks?view=azure-cli-latest

Then use aks to create and manage a new kubernetes cluster named jhkub:

-- Create a cluster named jhkub with 5 nodes and get the ssh keys locally
az aks create --resource-group rgkub --name jhkub --node-count 5 --generate-ssh-keys

-- Open a connection to the kubernetes cluster to be able to use kubectl command line
az aks get-credentials --resource-group rgkub --name jhkub

Usefuls command lines:

-- OPTIONAL : Set the default resource group (to omit --resource-group in command lines)
az configure --defaults group=rgkub

-- Get managed kubernetes cluster
az aks list --output table

-- Show a managed aks
az aks show --resource-group rgkub --name jhkub

-- Browse (with port forwarding) an aks dashboard
az aks browse --resource-group rgkub --name jhkub

-- Check versions available for my current cluster
az aks get-versions --resource-group rgkub --name jhkub --output table

-- Upgrade your cluster
az aks upgrade --resource-group rgkub --name jhkub --kubernetes-version 1.8.2

-- Scale node count
az aks scale --resource-group rgkub --name jhkub --node-count 10 

9) Apply kubernetes config on AZURE kubernetes cluster:

You can deploy all your apps by running:

kubectl apply -f registry
kubectl apply -f catalog
kubectl apply -f contoso
kubectl apply -f number
kubectl apply -f uaa

Use these commands to find your application's IP addresses:

kubectl get svc contoso

Useful commands to monitor your kubernetes cluster:

-- watcher on pods / svc status
kubectl get pods --watch
kubectl get svc --watch

-- Get deployment
kubectl get deployment

-- OPTIONAL : Scale on 3 replicats
kubectl scale deployment catalog --replicas 3

-- OPTIONAL : Port forwarding to see jhipster registry 
kubectl port-forward [podname] 8761:8761

10) Adding a DNS to the public ip address

If you try the application with the direct IP (something like, you will have an error during the authentication step.

If you get the logs from the Contoso pod using the command kubectl logs [podname] you will see something like:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a valid domain name: ''
        at com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument(Preconditions.java:210)
        at com.google.common.net.InternetDomainName.<init>(InternetDomainName.java:155)
        at com.google.common.net.InternetDomainName.from(InternetDomainName.java:216)
        at com.mycompany.myapp.security.oauth2.OAuth2CookieHelper.getCookieDomain(OAuth2CookieHelper.java:296)
        at com.mycompany.myapp.security.oauth2.OAuth2CookieHelper.createCookies(OAuth2CookieHelper.java:109)
        at com.mycompany.myapp.security.oauth2.OAuth2AuthenticationService.authenticate(OAuth2AuthenticationService.java:70)
        at com.mycompany.myapp.web.rest.AuthResource.authenticate(AuthResource.java:51)

To be able to resolve this issue, open the resource group generated by Azure (not rgkub for instance), and open the Public IP Address resource:

Then on the configuraition tab, add a sub domain (snowkub in my example):

Now use the fully complete address to reach your Contoso front web application:
