
Mimic Finance | The Decentralized Yield Aggregator Ecosystem

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mimic Finance
Mimic Finance Core

next_js_lint contract_ci production_staging production_deploy

Getting Started


  • Ganache
  • Truffle
  • Metamask
  • yarn
  • OpenZeppelin

First, run the development server:

  • Clone this repository with SSH
git clone -b develop git@github.com:Mimic-Finance/mimic-farm-core.git
  • Install Dependency
yarn install
  • Run fork chain for development
make chain
  • Open new terminal for deploy smart contract to blockchain
make deploy
yarn run dev

Configure Metamask wallet network

  • Network Name: localchain
  • New RPC URL: http://localhost:8545/
  • Chain ID: 1 (fork form Ethereum mainnet)
  • Currency Symbol: ETH