
Stereo camera calibration tools

Primary LanguageC++


Calibration of stereocamera

Project structure and application description:

ImgGrabber - saving of stereopair image with calibration board;

IntrinsicParamGetter - calculation of inner parameters during camera calibration (for left and right camera separately);

StereoCamCalibration - calculation of parameters during stereocamera calibration;

UndistortAndRectifyImg – checking of results after camera calibration. Distortion removal, rectification, framing and saving of calibrated stereopair as a file.

System requirements:

  1. ОС: Windows;
  2. Qt 5.5.1 or higher;
  3. Compiler with support for c++11 (as a default using MSVC 2013 64bit);
  4. OpenCv 3 (as a default using opencv_world331.dll from directory "QtStereoCamCalibration/thirdparty/lib/").

Setup for Windows:

  1. Clone the repository;
  2. Switch to assembly pattern "Release";
  3. Build main project QtStereoCamCalibration;
  4. Copy library opencv_world331.dll from directory "QtStereoCamCalibration/thirdparty/lib/" to the folder with executable file;
  5. Copy (if required) libraries Qt to the folder with executable file.


  1. Compiled applications are located in folder “bin”;
  2. To get reference data launch application flagged as “--help”
  3. Build - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5iHb/CbBNiNDin