
Algorithm Management Toolkit (AMT)

Primary LanguagePythonEuropean Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

Algorithm Management Toolkit (AMT)

GitHub Actions Workflow Status Coverage Quality Gate Status GitHub Release GitHub License Lines of Code

AMT is a modern tool for bookkeeping of algorithmic systems (AI or not) and to apply technical and non-technical tests for algorithms.

A demo of the tool is deployed here: https://amt.prd.apps.digilab.network.

The tool is built by the AI Validation Team.

How to contribute

See contributing docs

How to build and develop AMT

See build docs

How to run AMT

See usage docs

How to run the CLI

The check-state can be executed to see what tasks are waiting to be done.

It requires 2 parameters. The first parameter is a list of instrument urns joined by a comma without spaces. The second parameter is the location of the system card.

An example command:

./check-state urn:nl:aivt:ir:td:1.0,urn:nl:aivt:ir:iama:1.0 example/system_test_card.yaml

For developers

When running the GitHub actions locally you can use act, to do this run the following command:

act -W '.github/workflows/ci.yml' -s GITHUB_TOKEN="$(gh auth token)" --artifact-server-path tmp/artifacts -e act_event.json