This is the description of simulation of turtlebot behavior

  • file description:

    • : in charge of the behavior of turtlebot.
    • : in charge of publish the goal position, we set it up to publish a goal position every 15 second.
    • : in charge of subscribe to topic 'anotherchatter' of whether the turtle have arrived the goal position.
    • map_building.txt : a simple description of how to map the environment in both simulation and real robot.
  • Note: to simulate the behavior of turtlebot of auto-navigation, please put the following three file in your
    and make sure they have the access of read and write. run command:
    chmod a+x

  • Details: follow these step you can make your turtlebot listening a goal position command,and auto-navigate to the goal position.

    • first thing we need to do is connect two laptop, call turtlebot_laptop and your_laptop.

    • we need to bring up a turtlebot, if you are in simulation, please run in your_laptop:
      roslaunch rbx1_bringup fake_turtlebot.launch
      if you are using real robot, pleast run in turtlebot_laptop:
      roslaunch rbx1_bringup turtlebot_minimal_create.launch

    • connect to the Kinnect in your_laptop or turtlebot_laptop:
      roslaunch rbx1_bringup fake_laser.launch

    • bring up your map, if you are in simulation and you don't record any map before, please run:
      roslaunch rbx1_nav fake_move_base_blank_map.launch
      if you are runing a real turtlebot and you created a map called test_map_5.yaml, please run:
      roslaunch rbx1_nav fake_amcl.launch map:=test_map_5.yaml

    • visualized your auto-navigation in rviz
      for simulation,please run :
      rosrun rviz rviz -d 'rospack find rbx1_nav' /nav.rviz
      for real turtlebot, please run:
      rosrun rviz rviz -d 'rospack find rbx1_nav' /amcl.rviz

    • run these command in your_laptop:
      rosrun rbx1_nav
      rosrun rbx1_nav
      rosrun rbx1_nav

    So far, you should see that the turtlebot receiving a goal positon from Quarotor every 15 second, and move to it, and then publish his state to calmArm