
A simple and easy-to-use CLI application that can be used to solve optimization math problems!

Primary LanguagePython


A simple and easy-to-use CLI application that can be used to solved optimization problems!


Currently supports the following optimization techniques

  • Newton Raphson
  • Secant Method
  • Fibonacci Search
  • Golden Section Search
  • Cauchy Gradient
  • Lagrange Interpolation
  • Least Squares
  • Downhill Simplex More to come

Why we did this?

We like math! 🤓

How to use this

  • Clone this repository.
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Run the main with relevant options and arguments.

Options and Arguments

type                       The value that specifies the optimization problem type
Accepted Types:
             SECANT                   'sec'
             NEWTON                   'newt'
             FIBONACCI                'fib'
             GOLDEN SECTION           'GS'
             DOWNHILL SIMPLEX         'DS'
             LAGRANGE INTERPOLATION   'lagin'
             LEAST SQUARE             'ls'
             CAUCHY GRADIENT          'CG'
  -f, --func TEXT           Function to be optimized (Enter the function in python style syntax).
  -x1, --first FLOAT        Leftmost of an interval (or) initial guess
  -x2, --second FLOAT       Rightmost of an interval
  -x3, --third FLOAT        Third value of x (applies only for lagrange interpolation)
  -i, --iter INTEGER        Number of iterations
  -e, --epsilon FLOAT       Epsilon (by default 10^-3)
  --help                    Shows the help message


$ python3 main.py newt -f "x**2 - 2" -x1 1 -i 10
>>> 1.414213562373095

Side Notes

  • It's not necessary for you to know the concepts to use these calculators, however it is recommended that you do.
  • This calculator was tested with various questions and the answers were pretty accurate (a lot of anomolies are to be expected).
  • Enter the function in python style syntax (eg: x**2 + 2*x + 3 instead of x^2 + 2x + 3).

Getting a wrong answer?

  • Re-check your input function (the syntax expected is slightly different -> updates).
  • Check the input values you've fed.
  • If you function string has spaces, try enclosing it in quotes.
  • See if your answer was obtained a few iterations prior.


  • Moved to click for better CLI experience.
  • Revamped the whole structure entirely.

How can you help?

  • Feel free to open issues/PR's for any bugs or improvements.
  • If you have any suggestions (new methods) feel free to open an issue regarding that!