
Maven plugin for AppScan Source

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

IBM AppScan Source Maven Plug-in

Easily integrate security testing into your Maven builds using the ounce-maven-plugin and AppScan Source.


  • Java 1.7 or higher.
  • Maven 3.0 or higher


The ounce-maven-plugin supports 7 goals:

  1. ounce:application
  2. ounce:project
  3. ounce:help
  4. ounce:report
  5. ounce:scan
  6. ounce:publishASE
  7. ounce:project-only

This mojo generates an Ounce application file. It will automatically include all child modules as projects. This list make be modified using the includes and excludes patterns. Projects that are external to this build may be included directly using the externalProjects list. External Applications may also be included. All of their modules will be inherted as part of this application file. Those projects may also be filtered upon import.

Available parameters:

appDir (Default: ${basedir})
  Specifies the directory where to create the paf file
  Expression: ${ounce.appDir}

appName (Default: ${project.artifactId})
  Specifies the directory where to create the paf file
  Expression: ${ounce.appName}

coreHint (Default: ouncexml)
  This hint provides a way to switch the core implementation. Consult Ounce
  support for details, most users should leave this set to the default. Use
  -Dounce.core=console to have have the output displayed instead of written
  to the file for debugging purposes.
  Expression: ${ounce.core}

  An array of directories containing the pom file of any projects to
  exclude. Excludes can contain standard Ant-style wildcards.
  Excludes only apply to inherited modules, not external projects. The
  current project is not filtered.

  Allows you to include projects from multiple applications. The external
  application properties are not inherited, and the external application
  must already exist.
  externalApplications is a list of directories containing top-level pom
  The format for externalApplications is:
  - pathname, includes, and excludes are comma delimited; if you have
    excludes, but no includes, use two commas.
  - Multiple includes or excludes are separated by pipes (\x7c).
  - Excludes can contain standard Ant style wildcards.

  List of external projects to include. These projects are included after
  any other projects have been included or excluded.
  The format is: name,path
  - name is the artifact ID of the project to include.
  - path is the pathname to the project.

  An array of directories containing the pom file of any projects to
  include. If an include pattern is specified, projects not specifed by
  include patterns are excluded.
  Include only applies to inherited modules, not external projects. The
  current project is not filtered.
  The include pattern may contain the following wildcard characters:
  *: Zero or more characters
  **: Any folders
  ?: One and only one character

  Map of Ounce variable names and paths.
  pathVariableMap variables are automatically registered with Ounce by the
  Ounce/Maven plugin if the Ounce Automation Server is installed.

projectDir (Default: ${basedir})
  Specifies the directory where to create the ppf file
  Expression: ${ounce.projectDir}

skipPoms (Default: true)
  If pom packaging projects should be skipped. Typically these will not have
  source code and should be excluded. This is true by default because
  typically the application or projects will be created at a pom level and
  the poms have no source to be analyzed Only set this if you have source in
  your 'pom' packaging projects that needs to be scanned.
  Expression: ${ounce.skipPoms}

Display help information on ounce-maven-plugin. Call mvn ounce:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal= to display parameter details.

Available parameters:

detail (Default: false)
  If true, display all settable properties for each goal.
  Expression: ${detail}

  The name of the goal for which to show help. If unspecified, all goals
  will be displayed.
  Expression: ${goal}

indentSize (Default: 2)
  The number of spaces per indentation level, should be positive.
  Expression: ${indentSize}

lineLength (Default: 80)
  The maximum length of a display line, should be positive.
  Expression: ${lineLength}

This mojo generates an Ounce project file. It forks the build and executes the process-sources phase so that any plugins that may generate sources and attach new source folders to the project will execute and those source folders will be automatically included in the generated project. This mojo is intended to be executed from the command line. If you would rather have the project built automatically during your build, use the project-only goal instead.

Available parameters:

analyzeStrutsFramework (Default: false)
  Whether to analyze the framework for a Struts application
  Expression: ${ounce.analyzeStrutsFramework}

appDir (Default: ${basedir})
  Specifies the directory where to create the paf file
  Expression: ${ounce.appDir}

classpathScope (Default: compile)
  The scope of the classpath used to analyze this project.
  Valid choices are: compile, test, runtime, or system. If
  includeTestSources is true, then the classpathScope reverts to test.
  Otherwise, the default is compile.
  Expression: ${ounce.classpathScope}

coreHint (Default: ouncexml)
  This hint provides a way to switch the core implementation. Consult Ounce
  support for details, most users should leave this set to the default. Use
  -Dounce.core=console to have have the output displayed instead of written
  to the file for debugging purposes.
  Expression: ${ounce.core}

createVariables (Default: true)
  Whether the plugin should use the Ounce Automation Server to create any
  necessary variables (such as M2_REPO). Requires that the Ounce Automation
  Server be installed.
  Expression: ${ounce.createVariables}

externalJars (Default: ${basedir})
  Specifies external jars to be added to the project classpath. These are
  typically jar files that are part of the application server installation.
  Comma separated list of files with absolute path.
  Expression: ${ounce.externalJars}

importStrutsValidation (Default: false)
  Whether to import Struts validation routines
  Expression: ${ounce.importStrutsValidation}

includeTestSources (Default: false)
  If TestSources should be included in the compilable sources. If set, adds
  project.getTestSourceRoot() to the path and defaults the classpathScope to
  Expression: ${ounce.includeTestSources}

  The location of the Ounce client installation directory. Required if
  ounceauto is not on the path.
  Expression: ${ounce.installDir}

  Options to pass to the javac compiler.
  Expression: ${ounce.javaCompilerOptions}

  JDK configuration known to Ounce Core.
  Expression: ${ounce.jdkName}

jspCompilerName (Default: Tomcat 8)
  JSP compiler type name / application server.
  Expression: ${ounce.jspCompilerName}

jspCompilerType (Default: 13)
  JSP compiler type name / application server.
  Expression: ${ounce.jspCompilerType}

  Map of Ounce variable names and paths.
  pathVariableMap variables are automatically registered with Ounce by the
  Ounce/Maven plugin if the Ounce Automation Server is installed.

precompileScan (Default: false)
  (no description available)
  Expression: ${ounce.preCompileScan}

projectDir (Default: ${basedir})
  Specifies the directory where to create the ppf file
  Expression: ${ounce.projectDir}

projectFile (Default: ${basedir}/${project.artifactId}.ppf)
  Specifies the location to create the ppf file
  Expression: ${ounce.projectFile}

skipPoms (Default: true)
  If pom packaging projects should be skipped. Typically these will not have
  source code and should be excluded. This is true by default because
  typically the application or projects will be created at a pom level and
  the poms have no source to be analyzed Only set this if you have source in
  your 'pom' packaging projects that needs to be scanned.
  Expression: ${ounce.skipPoms}

  Specifies the location of the source root
  Expression: ${ounce.srcRoots}

webappDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
  The location of the web context root, if needed.
  Expression: ${ounce.webappDir}

This mojo generates an Ounce project file. It does not fork the build like the 'project' mojo and is instead intended to be bound in a pom for automatic execution. If you would rather have the project generated on demand via the command line, use the project goal instead.

Available parameters:

analyzeStrutsFramework (Default: false)
  Whether to analyze the framework for a Struts application
  Expression: ${ounce.analyzeStrutsFramework}

appDir (Default: ${basedir})
  Specifies the directory where to create the paf file
  Expression: ${ounce.appDir}

classpathScope (Default: compile)
  The scope of the classpath used to analyze this project.
  Valid choices are: compile, test, runtime, or system. If
  includeTestSources is true, then the classpathScope reverts to test.
  Otherwise, the default is compile.
  Expression: ${ounce.classpathScope}

coreHint (Default: ouncexml)
  This hint provides a way to switch the core implementation. Consult Ounce
  support for details, most users should leave this set to the default. Use
  -Dounce.core=console to have have the output displayed instead of written
  to the file for debugging purposes.
  Expression: ${ounce.core}

createVariables (Default: true)
  Whether the plugin should use the Ounce Automation Server to create any
  necessary variables (such as M2_REPO). Requires that the Ounce Automation
  Server be installed.
  Expression: ${ounce.createVariables}

externalJars (Default: ${basedir})
  Specifies external jars to be added to the project classpath. These are
  typically jar files that are part of the application server installation.
  Comma separated list of files with absolute path.
  Expression: ${ounce.externalJars}

importStrutsValidation (Default: false)
  Whether to import Struts validation routines
  Expression: ${ounce.importStrutsValidation}

includeTestSources (Default: false)
  If TestSources should be included in the compilable sources. If set, adds
  project.getTestSourceRoot() to the path and defaults the classpathScope to
  Expression: ${ounce.includeTestSources}

  The location of the Ounce client installation directory. Required if
  ounceauto is not on the path.
  Expression: ${ounce.installDir}

  Options to pass to the javac compiler.
  Expression: ${ounce.javaCompilerOptions}

  JDK configuration known to Ounce Core.
  Expression: ${ounce.jdkName}

jspCompilerName (Default: Tomcat 8)
  JSP compiler type name / application server.
  Expression: ${ounce.jspCompilerName}

jspCompilerType (Default: 13)
  JSP compiler type name / application server.
  Expression: ${ounce.jspCompilerType}

  Map of Ounce variable names and paths.
  pathVariableMap variables are automatically registered with Ounce by the
  Ounce/Maven plugin if the Ounce Automation Server is installed.

precompileScan (Default: false)
  (no description available)
  Expression: ${ounce.preCompileScan}

projectDir (Default: ${basedir})
  Specifies the directory where to create the ppf file
  Expression: ${ounce.projectDir}

projectFile (Default: ${basedir}/${project.artifactId}.ppf)
  Specifies the location to create the ppf file
  Expression: ${ounce.projectFile}

skipPoms (Default: true)
  If pom packaging projects should be skipped. Typically these will not have
  source code and should be excluded. This is true by default because
  typically the application or projects will be created at a pom level and
  the poms have no source to be analyzed Only set this if you have source in
  your 'pom' packaging projects that needs to be scanned.
  Expression: ${ounce.skipPoms}

  Specifies the location of the source root
  Expression: ${ounce.srcRoots}

webappDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
  The location of the web context root, if needed.
  Expression: ${ounce.webappDir}

This mojo provides the ability to publish an AppScan Source assessment to AppScan Enterprise

Available parameters:

assessmentOutput (Default: ${basedir}/${project.artifactId}.ozasmt)
  This is the assessment file that will be published to AppScan Enterprise
  Expression: ${ounce.assessmentOutput}

  Optional. Assign a caller to the report generation operation. The caller
  can be the name of an actual user, but this is not required. The caller
  name is written to the ounceauto log file
  Expression: ${ounce.caller}

coreHint (Default: ouncexml)
  This hint provides a way to switch the core implementation. Consult Ounce
  support for details, most users should leave this set to the default. Use
  -Dounce.core=console to have have the output displayed instead of written
  to the file for debugging purposes.
  Expression: ${ounce.core}

  Optional. Enterprise Console folder to publish to. If this argument is not
  used, the assessment will be published to your default Enterprise Console
  Expression: ${ounce.folderID}

  The location of the Ounce client installation directory if the Ounce
  client is not on the path
  Expression: ${ounce.installDir}

  Map of Ounce variable names and paths.
  pathVariableMap variables are automatically registered with Ounce by the
  Ounce/Maven plugin if the Ounce Automation Server is installed.

skipPoms (Default: true)
  If pom packaging projects should be skipped. Typically these will not have
  source code and should be excluded. This is true by default because
  typically the application or projects will be created at a pom level and
  the poms have no source to be analyzed Only set this if you have source in
  your 'pom' packaging projects that needs to be scanned.
  Expression: ${ounce.skipPoms}

waitForScan (Default: false)
  Forces the goal to wait until the scan finishes, thus blocking the Maven
  build. This is useful if the scan is being performed from the report mojo
  as part of integration with the site target and the site is getting
  Expression: ${ounce.wait}

Generate the scan results as part of the site.

Available parameters:

applicationFile (Default: ${ounce.appDir}/${project.artifactId}.paf)
  The location of the application file (.paf) to scan.
  Expression: ${ounce.applicationFile}

  If the application that you are opening includes JavaServer Pages (for
  example, a WAR or EAR file), use this setting to specify the application
  server to use for JSP compilation. Specify one of these, in double
  quotation marks: Tomcat 5, Tomcat 6, Tomcat 7, Tomcat 8, WebSphere 6.1,
  WebSphere 7.0, WebSphere 8.0, WebSphere 8.5, WebLogic 8, WebLogic 9,
  WebLogic 11g or WebLogic 12c Command line variable: -Dounce.appserver_type
  Example: -Dounce.appserver_type='WebSphere 8.5'
  Expression: ${ounce.appserver_type}

  A name to help identify the assessment.
  Expression: ${ounce.assessmentName}

  A filename to which to save the assessment.
  If filename is not specified, Ounce/Maven generates a name based on the
  application name and timestamp and saves it to the applications working
  Command line variable: -Dounce.assessmentOutput
  Example: -Dounce.assessmentOutput='MyAssessment.ozasmt'
  Expression: ${ounce.assessmentOutput}

  A short string to help identify the corresponding entries in the ounceauto
  log file.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.caller
  Expression: ${ounce.caller}

coreHint (Default: ouncexml)
  This hint provides a way to switch the core implementation. Consult Ounce
  support for details, most users should leave this set to the default. Use
  -Dounce.core=console to have have the output displayed instead of written
  to the file for debugging purposes.
  Expression: ${ounce.core}

  Specify the name of an existing assessment for which to generate a report.
  If not specified, Ounce/Maven scans the application and generates the
  report from that assessment.
  Expression: ${ounce.existingAssessmentFile}

  Number of lines of source code to include in the report after each
  Command line variable: -Dounce.includeSrcAfter
  Example: -Dounce.includeSrcAfter=5
  Expression: ${ounce.includeSrcAfter}

  Number of lines of source code to include in the report before each
  Command line variable: -Dounce.includeSrcBefore
  Example: -Dounce.includeSrcBefore=5
  Expression: ${ounce.includeSrcBefore}

  Include trace information in the report for scan coverage findings.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.includeTraceCoverage Example:
  Expression: ${ounce.includeTraceCoverage}

  Include trace information in the report for definitive findings.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.includeTraceDefinitive
  Example: -Dounce.includeTraceDefinitive=true
  Expression: ${ounce.includeTraceDefinitive}

  Include trace information in the report for suspect findings.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.includeTraceSuspect
  Example: -Dounce.includeTraceSuspect=true
  Expression: ${ounce.includeTraceSuspect}

  The location of the Ounce client installation directory if the Ounce
  client is not on the path.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.installDir
  Example: Dounce.installDir='C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\AppScanSource'
  Expression: ${ounce.installDir}

  Map of Ounce variable names and paths.
  pathVariableMap variables are automatically registered with Ounce by the
  Ounce/Maven plugin if the Ounce Automation Server is installed.

  (no description available)
  Expression: ${ounce.projectFile}

publish (Default: false)
  Automatically publish the assessment following the completion of the scan.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.publish
  Example: -Dounce.publish=true
  Expression: ${ounce.publish}

  The path to which to write the report specified in reportType. Required
  with reportType.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.reportOutputPath
  Example: -Dounce.reportOutputPath='C:\MyReports'
  Expression: ${ounce.reportOutputPath}

  The output to generate for the report specified in reportType. Required
  with reportType. Output type may be html, zip, pdf-summary, pdf-detailed,
  pdf-comprehensive, or pdf-annotated.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.reportOutputType
  Example: -Dounce.reportOutputType='html'
  Expression: ${ounce.reportOutputType}

  Generates an Ounce report of the specified type, including findings
  reports, SmartAudit Reports, and, if available, custom reports.
  Ounce/Maven generates a report for this assessment after the scan
  The following report types are included: Findings, Findings By CWE,
  Findings By API, Findings By Classification, Findings By File, Findings By
  Type, Findings By Bundle, OWASP Top Ten, PCI Data Security Standard, Ounce
  Software Security Profile, or OWASP Top Ten 2007. If you specify
  reportType, then reportOutputType and reportOutputPath are required.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.reportType
  Example: -Dounce.reportType='Findings'
  Expression: ${ounce.reportType}

  Allows a scan configuration to be specified for the scan
  Command line variable: -Dounce.scanconfig
  Example: -Dounce.scanconfig='Normal scan'
  Expression: ${ounce.scanconfig}

skipPoms (Default: true)
  If pom packaging projects should be skipped. Typically these will not have
  source code and should be excluded. This is true by default because
  typically the application or projects will be created at a pom level and
  the poms have no source to be analyzed Only set this if you have source in
  your 'pom' packaging projects that needs to be scanned.
  Expression: ${ounce.skipPoms}

waitForScan (Default: false)
  Forces the goal to wait until the scan finishes, thus blocking the Maven
  build. This is useful if the scan is being performed from the report mojo
  as part of integration with the site target and the site is getting
  Command line variable: -Dounce.wait
  Example: -Dounce.wait=true
  Expression: ${ounce.wait}

This mojo allows an on demand scan of an application and the optional publishing of the results.

Available parameters:

applicationFile (Default: ${ounce.appDir}/${project.artifactId}.paf)
  The location of the application file (.paf) to scan.
  Expression: ${ounce.applicationFile}

  If the application that you are opening includes JavaServer Pages (for
  example, a WAR or EAR file), use this setting to specify the application
  server to use for JSP compilation. Specify one of these, in double
  quotation marks: Tomcat 5, Tomcat 6, Tomcat 7, Tomcat 8, WebSphere 6.1,
  WebSphere 7.0, WebSphere 8.0, WebSphere 8.5, WebLogic 8, WebLogic 9,
  WebLogic 11g or WebLogic 12c Command line variable: -Dounce.appserver_type
  Example: -Dounce.appserver_type='WebSphere 8.5'
  Expression: ${ounce.appserver_type}

  A name to help identify the assessment.
  Expression: ${ounce.assessmentName}

  A filename to which to save the assessment.
  If filename is not specified, Ounce/Maven generates a name based on the
  application name and timestamp and saves it to the applications working
  Command line variable: -Dounce.assessmentOutput
  Example: -Dounce.assessmentOutput='MyAssessment.ozasmt'
  Expression: ${ounce.assessmentOutput}

  A short string to help identify the corresponding entries in the ounceauto
  log file.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.caller
  Expression: ${ounce.caller}

coreHint (Default: ouncexml)
  This hint provides a way to switch the core implementation. Consult Ounce
  support for details, most users should leave this set to the default. Use
  -Dounce.core=console to have have the output displayed instead of written
  to the file for debugging purposes.
  Expression: ${ounce.core}

  Number of lines of source code to include in the report after each
  Command line variable: -Dounce.includeSrcAfter
  Example: -Dounce.includeSrcAfter=5
  Expression: ${ounce.includeSrcAfter}

  Number of lines of source code to include in the report before each
  Command line variable: -Dounce.includeSrcBefore
  Example: -Dounce.includeSrcBefore=5
  Expression: ${ounce.includeSrcBefore}

  Include trace information in the report for scan coverage findings.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.includeTraceCoverage Example:
  Expression: ${ounce.includeTraceCoverage}

  Include trace information in the report for definitive findings.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.includeTraceDefinitive
  Example: -Dounce.includeTraceDefinitive=true
  Expression: ${ounce.includeTraceDefinitive}

  Include trace information in the report for suspect findings.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.includeTraceSuspect
  Example: -Dounce.includeTraceSuspect=true
  Expression: ${ounce.includeTraceSuspect}

  The location of the Ounce client installation directory if the Ounce
  client is not on the path.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.installDir
  Example: Dounce.installDir='C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\AppScanSource'
  Expression: ${ounce.installDir}

  Map of Ounce variable names and paths.
  pathVariableMap variables are automatically registered with Ounce by the
  Ounce/Maven plugin if the Ounce Automation Server is installed.

  (no description available)
  Expression: ${ounce.projectFile}

publish (Default: false)
  Automatically publish the assessment following the completion of the scan.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.publish
  Example: -Dounce.publish=true
  Expression: ${ounce.publish}

  The path to which to write the report specified in reportType. Required
  with reportType.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.reportOutputPath
  Example: -Dounce.reportOutputPath='C:\MyReports'
  Expression: ${ounce.reportOutputPath}

  The output to generate for the report specified in reportType. Required
  with reportType. Output type may be html, zip, pdf-summary, pdf-detailed,
  pdf-comprehensive, or pdf-annotated.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.reportOutputType
  Example: -Dounce.reportOutputType='html'
  Expression: ${ounce.reportOutputType}

  Generates an Ounce report of the specified type, including findings
  reports, SmartAudit Reports, and, if available, custom reports.
  Ounce/Maven generates a report for this assessment after the scan
  The following report types are included: Findings, Findings By CWE,
  Findings By API, Findings By Classification, Findings By File, Findings By
  Type, Findings By Bundle, OWASP Top Ten, PCI Data Security Standard, Ounce
  Software Security Profile, or OWASP Top Ten 2007. If you specify
  reportType, then reportOutputType and reportOutputPath are required.
  Command line variable: -Dounce.reportType
  Example: -Dounce.reportType='Findings'
  Expression: ${ounce.reportType}

  Allows a scan configuration to be specified for the scan
  Command line variable: -Dounce.scanconfig
  Example: -Dounce.scanconfig='Normal scan'
  Expression: ${ounce.scanconfig}

skipPoms (Default: true)
  If pom packaging projects should be skipped. Typically these will not have
  source code and should be excluded. This is true by default because
  typically the application or projects will be created at a pom level and
  the poms have no source to be analyzed Only set this if you have source in
  your 'pom' packaging projects that needs to be scanned.
  Expression: ${ounce.skipPoms}

waitForScan (Default: false)
  Forces the goal to wait until the scan finishes, thus blocking the Maven
  build. This is useful if the scan is being performed from the report mojo
  as part of integration with the site target and the site is getting
  Command line variable: -Dounce.wait
  Example: -Dounce.wait=true
  Expression: ${ounce.wait}


$mvn ounce:help -Ddetail=true

Generate application and project files
$mvn clean install ounce:application ounce:project


All files found in this project are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.