A demo setup for the CAS/OAuth2/OIDC authentication server

To set up the demo you'll have to start a number of components:

  • Two OIDC-secured resource servers
  • A JavaScript front-end, a Single Page Application making use of those servers

NOTE In the following examples you'll have to replace with the hostname of your authorization server.

Resource servers

The demo includes two OIDC-secured resource servers. To launch them:

cd oicd-resource-server 
mvn spring-boot:run
cd ../oicd-resource-server-2
mvn spring-boot:run

The resource servers are listening to http://localhost:9000/oidc-resource-server/ and http://localhost:9001/oidc-resource-server/aod-only

They are secured by OIDC, meaning that they expect a valid JWT as Bearer token in the Authorization header: without the token the servers will reject any GET request as Unauthorized.
If the token describes a user who does not have the OBOPS/AOD permission, a GET from the second URL will also fail.

Positive tests

Obtain a valid JWT from the authentication server by navigating to
where USERNAME and PASSWORD are the user credentials of a user with the OBOPS/AOD role/authority. (The JWT is a long string like eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImFsbWEub2JvcHMuY2FzIn0.eyJqdGkiOiI0NTE5NzEzN ....)

Now ask for the resources with an Authorization header including the JWT:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" http://localhost:9000/oidc-resource-server/
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" http://localhost:9001/oidc-resource-server/aod-only

You should get JSON messages like {"id":"8e14678d-...","content":"Hello, obops!"} and {"id":"11b18665-...","content":"OBOPS/AOD"}, respectively.

Negative tests

curl -I http://localhost:9000/oidc-resource-server/ should return 401

curl -I http://localhost:9001/oidc-resource-server/aod-only should also return 401

Now obtain another valid JWT from the authentication server, this time for a user who does not have the OBOPS/AOD role/authority. With that token:

curl -I -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" http://localhost:9001/oidc-resource-server/aod-only 

Although the JWT is valid, the user is not authorised to get that resource and you should get a 401 return status.

JavaScript front-end

A very simple Single Page Application that obtains a JWT access token from the OIDC authentication server using the Implicit grant, then accesses two resource servers passing that token. To launch the SPA:

cd demo-js-frontend
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Navigate to http://localhost:8000/demo-spa.html : you'll be redirected to the login page.
After successful login the SPA should show your user ID and basic info. Clicking on the Load resources button will query the resource servers and show the returned info.

CAS-secured server-side application

A very simple Java server-side application that's secured via the CAS protocol, to demonstrate Single Sign-On between CAS-secured and OIDC-secured resources. To launch the SPA:

cd demo-cas-client
mvn clean spring-boot:run

Navigate to http://localhost:9002/ . The welcome page is public: if you click on the Login to see... button you'll be redirected to the CAS login page, then to a secured page that should show your user ID.