GMod TTT in Minecraft - Datapack

This datapack adds TTT from Garry's Mod to your Minecraft World

Use this datapack together with the resourcepack for weapon textures and sounds.

Supported MC Versions

  • 1.20.x



  • Innocent
  • Traitor
  • Detective


  • Wooden Sword for close combat
  • Rifle with Ammo
  • Pistol with Ammo


  • Smoke Grenade
  • Fire Grenade (does 2 hearts damage every second)

Traitor Shop Items

  • Bloody Knife (one-hit, single-use)
  • Medikit (health potion)
  • Baseball Bat (knockback)
  • Quick Escape Pearl (enderpearl)
  • C4
  • Invisibility Potion
  • Radar (tracks closest innocent/detective)
  • Swapper (swap position with random player after 5s)

Detective Features

  • Armored Vest
  • Can see particles in the area around dead bodies to locate them easier.

Admin Tools

Run /function ttt:setup to initialize all necessary scoreboard objectives, gamerules and teams.

Run /function ttt:admin to get the spawner items.

  • Place weapon spawner
  • Place grenade spawner
  • Place player spawnpoints
  • Place breakable glass spawner (replaces glass panes at start of round)
  • Place traitor doors spawner (place spawner on block below iron_door)
  • Remove any spawner (hold this to visualize spawners)
  • Place teleporter (two will link together, max 12 pairs)
  • Place explosive barrel (will explode when shot, by other barrel, by c4 and by fire grenade)
  • Place minecart that can be carried around like with a magneto stick.
  • Mark death zone corners (North-West-Bottom and South-East-Top), players will get damage over time when inside
  • Mark mineable block (blocks that can be destroyed with leftclick) Run function ttt:other/mineable/mine_summon to convert actual blocks inside the spawner to fake blocks that can be destroyed with leftclick. At the start of every round function ttt:other/mineable/mine_reset will be run to reset all fake blocks that have been destroyed. Blocks that can be converted are hardcoded in data/ttt/functions/other/mineable/mine_replace.mcfunction

Run /function ttt:noadmin to remove the items and remove the admin team.

Run /function ttt:pause to pause the round timer. (items and weapons will still work) Run /function ttt:resume to resume the round timer.

Run /function ttt:restart to restart and resume the round.