Given a gazetteer/taxonomy and input text, taxonomy-matcher
be used to find all phrases which matches the codes/instances/keywords in the
gazetteer or taxonomy.
For each match, it will return the information of,
- surface_form
- matched position
- Code ID and Code Description
- and other code related information
Python 3.6+
usage: taxonomy-match input_file taxonomy_file [--output_file OUTPUT_FILE] load taxonomy phrases from the taxonomy file, and find all matched phrases from the input text. The result will eithor write to an output file or print to the screen. positional arguments: input_file input text file, text to mine phrases taxonomy_file taxonomy file, support json/xml/txt, see documentation for more details optional arguments: --output_file output file of matched phrases, supports jsonl/csv/tsv/txt format, print matched phrases to the screen if not defined
- From normalization table in JSOM format:
from taxonomy_matcher.matcher import Matcher taxonomy_matcher = Matcher(normtable=json_file) for matched in taxonomy_matcher.matching(text): print(matched)
And an example of the normalization table in JSON:
{ "meta": { "concept_type": "skills", "release_datetime": "2019-xx-xx" }, "concepts": [ { "display_name": "Risk Analysis", "category": "Financial Skill", "id": "ABCDEFG001", "surface_forms": [ { "surface_form": "risk analysis", "skill_likelihood": 0.9 }, { "surface_form": "quantitative risk assessment", "skill_likelihood": 1.0 }, { "surface_form": "risk assessment", "skill_likelihood": 0.7 } ] }, ....... { "display_name": "Mobile Data", "category": "Computer Skill", "id": "ABCDEFG002", "surface_forms": [ { "surface_form": "mobile data" } ] } ] }
- From gazetteer:
from taxonomy_matcher.matcher import Matcher taxonomy_matcher = Matcher(gazetteer=gz_file) for matched in taxonomy_matcher.matching(text): print(matched)
and an example of the gazetteer
# gazetteer mobile data risk analysis quantitative risk assessment risk assessment .....
- From Taxonomy Codetable:
from taxonomy_matcher.matcher import Matcher ct_matcher = Matcher(codetable=ct_file) for matched in ct_matcher.matching(text): print(matched)
CodeTable is a XML version of the JSON example given above.
- Context words:
When context are needed for matched phrases, e.g. for the following up
validation functions, enable the with\_context
from taxonomy_matcher.matcher import Matcher taxonomy_matcher = Matcher(normtable=json_file,with_context=True) for matched in taxonomy_matcher.matching(text): print(matched.left_context, matched.right_context)
- Code Property lookup
If need to lookup the property of an Code in the taxonomy, check the matcher Class property 'code_property_mapping', it is a dictionary mapping id to description and category, it is in the form of:
dict[code_id] = { 'desc':code_description, 'type':code_category }
E.g. to get the description of the codeid:
codeid = 12345 from taxonomy_matcher.matcher import Matcher taxonomy_matcher = Matcher(normtable=json_file) if codeid in taxonomy_matcher.code_property_mapping: print(taxonomy_matcher.code_property_mapping[codeid]['desc'])
Note: currently only available for the Normalized code JSOM.
The metainfo can be stored in meta part of the JSON document, e.g. if the following information is listed in the JSOM meta section:
"meta": { "language": "EN", "release_datetime": "2019-04-17T12:22:10.729673", "concept_type": "skills", "purpose": "normalization" },
We can fetch it via the matcher object
from taxonomy_matcher.matcher import Matcher taxonomy_matcher = Matcher(normtable=json_file) print(taxonomy_matcher['meta_info'])
output will be:
{ 'language': 'EN', 'release_datetime': '2019-04-17T12:22:10.729673', 'concept_type': 'skills', 'purpose': 'normalization' }
matcher.matching is an iterable which return a MatchedPhrase instance, the instance has the following attributes:
- normalize pattern form: matched_pattern
- surface form: surface_form
- start position and end position: start_pos, end_pos
- code_id and code_description (None if not set in the pattern file)
- left context and right context of the matched skills (only availabe if with_context=True )
for match in matcher.matching(text): print("found pattern [{}] in the form of [{}] at position ({}:{}), code:{} {} {}".format( matched.matched_pattern matched.surface_form matched.start_pos matched.end_pos matched.code_id matched.code_description matched.category matched.left_context matched.right_context )
To install package and its dependencies, run the following from project root directory:
python install
To run unit tests, execute the following from the project root directory:
python test