
Research project, using a Decision Pretrained Transformer (DPT) for dynamic pricing

Primary LanguagePython


Research project, implementing Lee et. al.'s (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.14892.pdf) Decision Pretrained Transformer (DPT) for dynamic pricing


  • The base transformer model is GPT2 via 🤗 Transformers
  • We use wandb for tracking loss on runs

File explanations:

  • /evals: Contains scripts for evaluating models under different environments

  • /envs: Contains scripts defining environments

  • /ctrls: Contains scripts for controlling agents during evaluation

  • collect_data.py: Script for generating environment trajectories and storing them as datasets.

  • common_args.py: Parses command-line arguments related to dataset configuration, model architecture, training settings, and evaluation parameters.

  • dataset.py: Implements the Dataset class for loading, transforming, and retrieving trajectory samples in both non-image-based and image-based (for miniworld) formats for RL experiments.

  • eval.py: Script for evaluating model and other policies, and plotting results

  • net.py: Defines Transformer class, which utilizes a GPT-2 architecture.

  • train.py: Script for training Transformer models, includes comprehensive argument options, data loading, model training and evaluation, and generates related training loss plots.

  • utils.py: Contains utilities for generating filenames for bandit data and model, initializing worker for data loading, and converting data to Tensor.


  1. Install pytorch: pip install pytorch=1.13.0 cudatoolkit=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia

  2. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

Example usage:

python3 collect_data.py --env prices --envs 1000 --H 200 --dim 20 --var 0.0 --lr 0.001 --layer 2 --head 2 --envs_eval 100 --seed 2 && \ python3 train.py --env prices --envs 1000 --H 200 --dim 20 --var 0.0 --lr 0.001 --layer 2 --head 2 --num_epochs 100 --seed 2 && \ python3 eval.py --env prices --envs 1000 --H 200 --dim 20 --var 0.0 --lr 0.001 --layer 2 --head 2 --epoch 100 --n_eval 100 --seed 2