
implement a client to fetch news from csdn.net

Primary LanguageJava


Ths app fetches the news from the www.csdn.net and group it by types.



  • Welcomepage

  • Homepage-1

  • Homepage-2

  • Detailpage

Table of Content

User Interface
	|__ XListView
	|__ ViewPagerIndicator
	|__ Fragment

News Resources
	|__ DataUtil
	|__ UrlUtil
	|__ DecodeUtil
	|__ AsyncTask

Storage System
	|__ SQLite
	|__ SQLiteOpenHelper  
	|__ NewsItemDao

	|__ TabAdapter
	|__ NewsItemAdapter
	|__ NewsDetailAdapter

	|__ NewsItem
	|__ NewsDetail
	|__ NewsDetailPart


XListView: provides the pull-to-refresh and pull-to-loadmore function.

ViewPagerIndicator: an rubost plugin to provide smooth switch from fragment to fragment.

UrlUtil: return the url according to the news type.

DataUtil: use url to fetch html code and decode the news which consists of title, content, image link, link, date, news type.

AsyncTask: create working threads to access csdn.net and fetch data.

NewsItemDao: provide methods to add/delete/search/update items to dababase.

TabAdapter: attach fragments to the ViewPagerIndicator.

NewsItemAdapter: attach NewsItem to the XListView.

NewsDetailAdapter: attach NewsDetailPart to the XListView in DetailActivity.

NewsItem: store the title, content, image link, link, date, news type of news.

NewsDetailPart: store the title, content, image link of every paragrah.