
This is the implementation of the PACE 2018 Challenge - solving Steiner Tree, an NP-Complete Problem

Primary LanguageC++


This is the implementation of the PACE 2018 Challenge - solving Steiner Tree, an NP-Complete Problem

NiceTreeDecomposition contains the code to convert a regular tree decomposition into a nice tree decomposition.

Recurrece/Partition has the code for the acyclic merges and precomputing pairs for the Join Node computation.

Recurrence/Recurrence contains the actual DP code.

main.cpp is a driver code for the above.

DP_Solution_Track_1.cpp contains the Track 1 code.

Plot.py contains the program we used to graph the plots used for the observations.

The report is the pdf file "Steiner_Tree___DP_Over_Treewidth.pdf"