Pitch Deck Generator

This project allows you to create pitch decks for a list of ideas stored in an Excel sheet. It generates pitch deck content using OpenAI's GPT-3 API, converts it to a Marp markdown format, and produces HTML files to view as slide presentations. The project also contains instructions for deploying the HTML files with Vercel, making them accessible online.



  1. Clone this repository or download it as a ZIP file and extract it.
  2. Inside the project folder, run npm install to install the necessary dependencies.


  1. Replace the inputFile variable in app.js with the path to your Excel sheet containing the ideas.
  2. Create a .env file in the project directory and add your OpenAI API key:
  3. OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key_here
    1. Run node createPitchDecks.js to generate Marp markdown files in the marp_pitchdecks folder.
  4. Run node convertToHTML.js to convert the Marp markdown files to HTML files in the html_pitchdecks folder.

To view the generated pitch decks, deploy the project to Vercel or serve the HTML files using a local web server. Instructions for both are provided below.

Deploy to Render

Follow the tutorial to deploy the project to Render.

After completing the setup, Render will provide you with a unique URL.

Visit the URL provided to access your pitch decks. To view a specific pitch deck, append the slide index to the URL, e.g., https://your-url.render.app/1 to access pitch deck 1.

Run a Local Web Server

  1. Install Express: npm install express
  2. Start the server node server.js
  3. Visit http://localhost:3000/ROWINDEX to view the pitch decks, replacing ROWINDEX with the corresponding row index from the Excel sheet.


This project is released under the MIT License.