Raygun Deployments GitHub Action

This GitHub Action is designed to interface with Raygun Deployment Tracking.

By using this action, you will be able to automatically track deployments of your application and associate error reports with the source code of the corresponding version. This means you will get more contextual information about errors, which helps in quicker debugging and problem resolution.


  1. A Raygun account
  2. An API Key from your Raygun application, which should be added to your repository secrets
  3. An Personal Access Token with the deployments:write scope, which should be added to your repository secrets


To use this action, include it in your GitHub workflow file:

- name: Run Raygun Deployment Action
  uses: MindscapeHQ/raygun-deployments-action@v1
    personal-access-token: ${{ secrets.RAYGUN_PAT }}
    api-key: ${{ secrets.RAYGUN_API_KEY }}
    version: '1.0.0'
    ownerName: 'Your Name'
    emailAddress: 'your-email@domain.com'
    comment: 'Deployment comment'


This action accepts the following inputs:

Input Description Required Default
personal-access-token Your Raygun Personal Access Token. This should be stored in your repository secrets. Yes N/A
api-key Your Raygun API Key. This should be stored in your repository secrets. Yes N/A
version The version of the software being deployed. Yes N/A
owner-name The name of the person or entity responsible for the deployment. No Commit author's name
email-address The email address of the person or entity responsible for the deployment. No Commit author's email
comment An optional comment about the deployment. No Empty string


Output Description
deploymentId The unique identifier for the newly created deployment


Here's an example of a step that uses this action in a workflow that runs on every push to the main branch:

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Generate the short SHA for the current commit
        id: vars
        run: echo "sha_short=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
      - name: Create Raygun Deployment
        id: create_deployment
        uses: MindscapeHQ/raygun-deployments-action@v1
          personal-access-token: ${{ secrets.RAYGUN_PAT }}
          api-key: ${{ secrets.RAYGUN_API_KEY }}
          version: ${{ steps.vars.outputs.sha_short }}
          comment: ${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}
      - run: echo "🎉 Deployment [${{ steps.create_deployment.outputs.deploymentId }}] was created successfully."

In this example, the personal-access-token and api-key are stored as secrets in the repository, the version is your internal version, and the ownerName and emailAddress are hard-coded. Adjust these inputs as needed for your use case.

Remember to replace your-email@domain.com, and 'Your Name' with your actual GitHub username, email, and name. Update the v1.0.0 version tag as necessary.

The examples in the README show how to pass input parameters, but they're just examples. The real values should be determined based on the context and actual requirements of the workflow where this action is used.

Building from source

Restore packages

yarn install

Run tests

npm run test

Run build script & generate dist output

npm run build