
Android general purpose library

Primary LanguageJava


Android general purpose library. It current contains the following classes:


This class provides a unique ID per installation. It is guaranteed to be persistent between device reboots, but not between app un-/reinstalls. It can simply be used as follows:

String uuid = UniqueInstallationId.getId(this.getContext(), "MyAppName");


This class provides an asynchronous way of checking for a usable internet connection. The class implements runnable, which can be executed in a separate thread. The class uses a listener class - ConnectivityListener - as a callback when it has determined if there is an internet connection. Example:

Class Example implements ConnectivityListener {

  public void startConnectivityCheck(Context myContext) {
    Thread check = new Thread(new ConnectivityCheck(this, myContext, "http://google.com"));
  public void onConnectionCheckComplete(final boolean hasConnection) {
      System.out.println("we have a connection");
      System.out.println("we do not have a connection");

If the ConnectivityListener makes changes to an activity's UI, keep in mind that you should use Activity.runOnUiThread(Runnable) and execute your UI changes inside the runnable.