
A drydock to test and develop the desktop canvas part, which will be fitted into Proscenium's window manager

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Virtual Desktop Drydock

An icon canvas component displaying lined up icons each corresponding to a launchable Proscenium application

Using and Developing the React Code

We've provided several useful scripts that should get you up and running quickly. All you should need to have installed on your machine is NPM:


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Change into the react directory
  3. Run npm install or ./install.sh to install all the dependencies
  4. Run npm run start or ./server.sh to start webpack development server (starts on port 8084)
  5. Run npm run build or ./build.sh to build the production code in ./dist
  6. Run npm run watch or ./dev.sh to build the development code in ./dist