
`Deposit useless items into the chest at (xxx,xxx,xxx)` task successed once, then keep failing

nero19960329 opened this issue · 3 comments

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Briefly describe your issue

Deposit useless items into the chest at (xxx,xxx,xxx) task successed once, then keep failing.

It seems like the generated code failed at here:

await chest.deposit(item.type, null, itemsToDeposit[name]);

But I have no idea to fix this problem.

My voyager_learn.py:

from voyager import Voyager

# you can also use mc_port instead of azure_login, but azure_login is highly recommended
azure_login = {
    "client_id": "xxx",
    "redirect_url": "",
    "secret_value": "xxx",
    "version": "fabric-loader-0.14.18-1.19", # the version Voyager is tested on
openai_api_key = "xxx"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--env-request-timeout", type=int, default=600)
    parser.add_argument("--max-iterations", type=int, default=160)
    parser.add_argument("--resume", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--action-agent-temperature", type=float, default=0.0)
    parser.add_argument("--curriculum-agent-temperature", type=float, default=0.0)
    parser.add_argument("--curriculum-agent-qa-temperature", type=float, default=0.0)
    parser.add_argument("--critic-agent-temperature", type=float, default=0.0)
    parser.add_argument("--skill-manager-temperature", type=float, default=0.0)

    args = parser.parse_args()

    voyager = Voyager(

    # start lifelong learning

usage: python voyager_learn.py --env-request-timeout 300 --max-iterations 300 --action-agent-temperature 0.7 --curriculum-agent-temperature 0.5 --curriculum-agent-qa-temperature 0.5

Please provide your python, nodejs, Minecraft, and Fabric versions here

  • Python: 3.10.10
  • Node: v18.16.0
  • Minecraft: 1.19
  • Fabric: 0.14.18

[If applicable] Please provide the Minefalyer and Minecraft logs, you can find the log under logs folder

Details are at below:

[["onChat", {"onChat": "Not enough andesite in inventory.", "voxels": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "chest", "lightning_rod", "cobblestone"], "status": {"health": 19.708332061767578, "food": 17, "saturation": 0, "position": {"x": 369.5, "y": 68, "z": 192.5}, "velocity": {"x": 0, "y": -0.0784000015258789, "z": 0}, "yaw": -3.1415926535873506, "pitch": -1.569727034327637, "onGround": true, "equipment": ["iron_helmet", "iron_chestplate", "iron_leggings", "iron_boots", "iron_pickaxe", "shield"], "name": "bot", "timeSinceOnGround": 0, "isInWater": false, "isInLava": false, "isCollidedHorizontally": false, "isCollidedVertically": true, "biome": "plains", "entities": {"zombie": 29.862276126658934}, "timeOfDay": "noon", "inventoryUsed": 34, "elapsedTime": 22}, "inventory": {"shears": 1, "furnace": 1, "torch": 8, "raw_copper": 5, "pumpkin": 1, "chicken": 1, "copper_ingot": 10, "glowstone_dust": 2, "cobblestone": 77, "bow": 1, "chest": 1, "iron_ingot": 4, "lapis_block": 1, "lapis_lazuli": 81, "cooked_porkchop": 7, "cooked_beef": 3, "stick": 4, "leather": 3, "beef": 4, "spider_eye": 2, "birch_leaves": 1, "rotten_flesh": 2, "iron_axe": 1, "iron_pickaxe": 1, "oak_boat": 1, "crafting_table": 1, "dandelion": 1, "coal": 6, "sugar_cane": 11, "iron_sword": 1, "oak_log": 2}, "nearbyChests": {"(369, 68, 192)": {"andesite": 64, "dirt": 16, "cobblestone": 576, "wooden_pickaxe": 1, "wooden_axe": 1, "wooden_shovel": 1, "diorite": 14, "oak_leaves": 15, "porkchop": 1, "spruce_log": 2, "spruce_sapling": 2, "oak_planks": 5, "spruce_planks": 11, "stone_shovel": 1, "stone_pickaxe": 1, "stone_axe": 1, "granite": 42, "clay_ball": 20, "white_wool": 6}}, "blockRecords": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "lightning_rod"]}], ["onChat", {"onChat": "Not enough cobblestone in inventory.", "voxels": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "chest", "lightning_rod", "cobblestone"], "status": {"health": 19.708332061767578, "food": 17, "saturation": 0, "position": {"x": 369.5, "y": 68, "z": 192.5}, "velocity": {"x": 0, "y": -0.0784000015258789, "z": 0}, "yaw": -3.1415926535873506, "pitch": -1.569727034327637, "onGround": true, "equipment": ["iron_helmet", "iron_chestplate", "iron_leggings", "iron_boots", "iron_pickaxe", "shield"], "name": "bot", "timeSinceOnGround": 0, "isInWater": false, "isInLava": false, "isCollidedHorizontally": false, "isCollidedVertically": true, "biome": "plains", "entities": {"zombie": 29.862276126658934}, "timeOfDay": "noon", "inventoryUsed": 34, "elapsedTime": 22}, "inventory": {"shears": 1, "furnace": 1, "torch": 8, "raw_copper": 5, "pumpkin": 1, "chicken": 1, "copper_ingot": 10, "glowstone_dust": 2, "andesite": 14, "bow": 1, "chest": 1, "iron_ingot": 4, "lapis_block": 1, "lapis_lazuli": 81, "cooked_porkchop": 7, "cooked_beef": 3, "stick": 4, "leather": 3, "beef": 4, "spider_eye": 2, "birch_leaves": 1, "rotten_flesh": 2, "iron_axe": 1, "iron_pickaxe": 1, "oak_boat": 1, "crafting_table": 1, "cobblestone": 64, "dandelion": 1, "coal": 6, "sugar_cane": 11, "iron_sword": 1, "oak_log": 2}, "nearbyChests": {"(369, 68, 192)": {"andesite": 64, "dirt": 16, "cobblestone": 576, "wooden_pickaxe": 1, "wooden_axe": 1, "wooden_shovel": 1, "diorite": 14, "oak_leaves": 15, "porkchop": 1, "spruce_log": 2, "spruce_sapling": 2, "oak_planks": 5, "spruce_planks": 11, "stone_shovel": 1, "stone_pickaxe": 1, "stone_axe": 1, "granite": 42, "clay_ball": 20, "white_wool": 6}}, "blockRecords": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "lightning_rod"]}], ["onChat", {"onChat": "Not enough dandelion in inventory.", "voxels": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "chest", "lightning_rod", "cobblestone"], "status": {"health": 19.708332061767578, "food": 17, "saturation": 0, "position": {"x": 369.5, "y": 68, "z": 192.5}, "velocity": {"x": 0, "y": -0.0784000015258789, "z": 0}, "yaw": -3.1415926535873506, "pitch": -1.569727034327637, "onGround": true, "equipment": ["iron_helmet", "iron_chestplate", "iron_leggings", "iron_boots", "iron_pickaxe", "shield"], "name": "bot", "timeSinceOnGround": 0, "isInWater": false, "isInLava": false, "isCollidedHorizontally": false, "isCollidedVertically": true, "biome": "plains", "entities": {"zombie": 29.862276126658934}, "timeOfDay": "noon", "inventoryUsed": 34, "elapsedTime": 22}, "inventory": {"shears": 1, "furnace": 1, "torch": 8, "raw_copper": 5, "pumpkin": 1, "chicken": 1, "copper_ingot": 10, "glowstone_dust": 2, "andesite": 14, "bow": 1, "chest": 1, "iron_ingot": 4, "lapis_block": 1, "lapis_lazuli": 81, "cooked_porkchop": 7, "cooked_beef": 3, "stick": 4, "leather": 3, "beef": 4, "spider_eye": 2, "birch_leaves": 1, "rotten_flesh": 2, "iron_axe": 1, "iron_pickaxe": 1, "oak_boat": 1, "crafting_table": 1, "cobblestone": 77, "coal": 6, "sugar_cane": 11, "iron_sword": 1, "oak_log": 2}, "nearbyChests": {"(369, 68, 192)": {"andesite": 64, "dirt": 16, "cobblestone": 576, "wooden_pickaxe": 1, "wooden_axe": 1, "wooden_shovel": 1, "diorite": 14, "oak_leaves": 15, "porkchop": 1, "spruce_log": 2, "spruce_sapling": 2, "oak_planks": 5, "spruce_planks": 11, "stone_shovel": 1, "stone_pickaxe": 1, "stone_axe": 1, "granite": 42, "clay_ball": 20, "white_wool": 6}}, "blockRecords": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "lightning_rod"]}], ["onChat", {"onChat": "Not enough birch_leaves in inventory.", "voxels": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "chest", "lightning_rod", "cobblestone"], "status": {"health": 19.708332061767578, "food": 17, "saturation": 0, "position": {"x": 369.5, "y": 68, "z": 192.5}, "velocity": {"x": 0, "y": -0.0784000015258789, "z": 0}, "yaw": -3.1415926535873506, "pitch": -1.569727034327637, "onGround": true, "equipment": ["iron_helmet", "iron_chestplate", "iron_leggings", "iron_boots", "iron_pickaxe", "shield"], "name": "bot", "timeSinceOnGround": 0, "isInWater": false, "isInLava": false, "isCollidedHorizontally": false, "isCollidedVertically": true, "biome": "plains", "entities": {"zombie": 29.862276126658934}, "timeOfDay": "noon", "inventoryUsed": 34, "elapsedTime": 22}, "inventory": {"shears": 1, "furnace": 1, "torch": 8, "raw_copper": 5, "pumpkin": 1, "chicken": 1, "copper_ingot": 10, "glowstone_dust": 2, "andesite": 14, "bow": 1, "chest": 1, "iron_ingot": 4, "lapis_block": 1, "lapis_lazuli": 81, "cooked_porkchop": 7, "cooked_beef": 3, "stick": 4, "leather": 3, "beef": 4, "spider_eye": 2, "dandelion": 1, "rotten_flesh": 2, "iron_axe": 1, "iron_pickaxe": 1, "oak_boat": 1, "crafting_table": 1, "cobblestone": 77, "coal": 6, "sugar_cane": 11, "iron_sword": 1, "oak_log": 2}, "nearbyChests": {"(369, 68, 192)": {"andesite": 64, "dirt": 16, "cobblestone": 576, "wooden_pickaxe": 1, "wooden_axe": 1, "wooden_shovel": 1, "diorite": 14, "oak_leaves": 15, "porkchop": 1, "spruce_log": 2, "spruce_sapling": 2, "oak_planks": 5, "spruce_planks": 11, "stone_shovel": 1, "stone_pickaxe": 1, "stone_axe": 1, "granite": 42, "clay_ball": 20, "white_wool": 6}}, "blockRecords": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "lightning_rod"]}], ["onChat", {"onChat": "Not enough rotten_flesh in inventory.", "voxels": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "chest", "lightning_rod", "cobblestone"], "status": {"health": 19.708332061767578, "food": 17, "saturation": 0, "position": {"x": 369.5, "y": 68, "z": 192.5}, "velocity": {"x": 0, "y": -0.0784000015258789, "z": 0}, "yaw": -3.1415926535873506, "pitch": -1.569727034327637, "onGround": true, "equipment": ["iron_helmet", "iron_chestplate", "iron_leggings", "iron_boots", "iron_pickaxe", "shield"], "name": "bot", "timeSinceOnGround": 0, "isInWater": false, "isInLava": false, "isCollidedHorizontally": false, "isCollidedVertically": true, "biome": "plains", "entities": {"zombie": 29.862276126658934}, "timeOfDay": "noon", "inventoryUsed": 34, "elapsedTime": 22}, "inventory": {"shears": 1, "furnace": 1, "torch": 8, "raw_copper": 5, "pumpkin": 1, "chicken": 1, "copper_ingot": 10, "glowstone_dust": 2, "andesite": 14, "bow": 1, "chest": 1, "iron_ingot": 4, "lapis_block": 1, "lapis_lazuli": 81, "cooked_porkchop": 7, "cooked_beef": 3, "stick": 4, "leather": 3, "beef": 4, "spider_eye": 2, "dandelion": 1, "birch_leaves": 1, "iron_axe": 1, "iron_pickaxe": 1, "oak_boat": 1, "crafting_table": 1, "cobblestone": 77, "coal": 6, "sugar_cane": 11, "iron_sword": 1, "oak_log": 2}, "nearbyChests": {"(369, 68, 192)": {"andesite": 64, "dirt": 16, "cobblestone": 576, "wooden_pickaxe": 1, "wooden_axe": 1, "wooden_shovel": 1, "diorite": 14, "oak_leaves": 15, "porkchop": 1, "spruce_log": 2, "spruce_sapling": 2, "oak_planks": 5, "spruce_planks": 11, "stone_shovel": 1, "stone_pickaxe": 1, "stone_axe": 1, "granite": 42, "clay_ball": 20, "white_wool": 6}}, "blockRecords": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "lightning_rod"]}], ["onChat", {"onChat": "Not enough spider_eye in inventory.", "voxels": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "chest", "lightning_rod", "cobblestone"], "status": {"health": 19.708332061767578, "food": 17, "saturation": 0, "position": {"x": 369.5, "y": 68, "z": 192.5}, "velocity": {"x": 0, "y": -0.0784000015258789, "z": 0}, "yaw": -3.1415926535873506, "pitch": -1.569727034327637, "onGround": true, "equipment": ["iron_helmet", "iron_chestplate", "iron_leggings", "iron_boots", "iron_pickaxe", "shield"], "name": "bot", "timeSinceOnGround": 0, "isInWater": false, "isInLava": false, "isCollidedHorizontally": false, "isCollidedVertically": true, "biome": "plains", "entities": {"zombie": 29.862276126658934}, "timeOfDay": "noon", "inventoryUsed": 34, "elapsedTime": 22}, "inventory": {"shears": 1, "furnace": 1, "torch": 8, "raw_copper": 5, "pumpkin": 1, "chicken": 1, "copper_ingot": 10, "glowstone_dust": 2, "andesite": 14, "bow": 1, "chest": 1, "iron_ingot": 4, "lapis_block": 1, "lapis_lazuli": 81, "cooked_porkchop": 7, "cooked_beef": 3, "stick": 4, "leather": 3, "beef": 4, "rotten_flesh": 2, "dandelion": 1, "birch_leaves": 1, "iron_axe": 1, "iron_pickaxe": 1, "oak_boat": 1, "crafting_table": 1, "cobblestone": 77, "coal": 6, "sugar_cane": 11, "iron_sword": 1, "oak_log": 2}, "nearbyChests": {"(369, 68, 192)": {"andesite": 64, "dirt": 16, "cobblestone": 576, "wooden_pickaxe": 1, "wooden_axe": 1, "wooden_shovel": 1, "diorite": 14, "oak_leaves": 15, "porkchop": 1, "spruce_log": 2, "spruce_sapling": 2, "oak_planks": 5, "spruce_planks": 11, "stone_shovel": 1, "stone_pickaxe": 1, "stone_axe": 1, "granite": 42, "clay_ball": 20, "white_wool": 6}}, "blockRecords": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "lightning_rod"]}], ["onChat", {"onChat": "Not enough glowstone_dust in inventory.", "voxels": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "chest", "lightning_rod", "cobblestone"], "status": {"health": 19.708332061767578, "food": 17, "saturation": 0, "position": {"x": 369.5, "y": 68, "z": 192.5}, "velocity": {"x": 0, "y": -0.0784000015258789, "z": 0}, "yaw": -3.1415926535873506, "pitch": -1.569727034327637, "onGround": true, "equipment": ["iron_helmet", "iron_chestplate", "iron_leggings", "iron_boots", "iron_pickaxe", "shield"], "name": "bot", "timeSinceOnGround": 0, "isInWater": false, "isInLava": false, "isCollidedHorizontally": false, "isCollidedVertically": true, "biome": "plains", "entities": {"zombie": 29.862276126658934}, "timeOfDay": "noon", "inventoryUsed": 34, "elapsedTime": 22}, "inventory": {"shears": 1, "furnace": 1, "torch": 8, "raw_copper": 5, "pumpkin": 1, "chicken": 1, "copper_ingot": 10, "spider_eye": 2, "andesite": 14, "bow": 1, "chest": 1, "iron_ingot": 4, "lapis_block": 1, "lapis_lazuli": 81, "cooked_porkchop": 7, "cooked_beef": 3, "stick": 4, "leather": 3, "beef": 4, "rotten_flesh": 2, "dandelion": 1, "birch_leaves": 1, "iron_axe": 1, "iron_pickaxe": 1, "oak_boat": 1, "crafting_table": 1, "cobblestone": 77, "coal": 6, "sugar_cane": 11, "iron_sword": 1, "oak_log": 2}, "nearbyChests": {"(369, 68, 192)": {"andesite": 64, "dirt": 16, "cobblestone": 576, "wooden_pickaxe": 1, "wooden_axe": 1, "wooden_shovel": 1, "diorite": 14, "oak_leaves": 15, "porkchop": 1, "spruce_log": 2, "spruce_sapling": 2, "oak_planks": 5, "spruce_planks": 11, "stone_shovel": 1, "stone_pickaxe": 1, "stone_axe": 1, "granite": 42, "clay_ball": 20, "white_wool": 6}}, "blockRecords": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "lightning_rod"]}], ["onChat", {"onChat": "Inventory slots used: 34/36", "voxels": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "chest", "lightning_rod", "cobblestone"], "status": {"health": 19.708332061767578, "food": 17, "saturation": 0, "position": {"x": 369.5, "y": 68, "z": 192.5}, "velocity": {"x": 0, "y": -0.0784000015258789, "z": 0}, "yaw": -3.1415926535873506, "pitch": -1.569727034327637, "onGround": true, "equipment": ["iron_helmet", "iron_chestplate", "iron_leggings", "iron_boots", "iron_pickaxe", "shield"], "name": "bot", "timeSinceOnGround": 0, "isInWater": false, "isInLava": false, "isCollidedHorizontally": false, "isCollidedVertically": true, "biome": "plains", "entities": {"zombie": 29.872593378049537}, "timeOfDay": "noon", "inventoryUsed": 34, "elapsedTime": 28}, "inventory": {"shears": 1, "furnace": 1, "torch": 8, "raw_copper": 5, "pumpkin": 1, "chicken": 1, "copper_ingot": 10, "glowstone_dust": 2, "spider_eye": 2, "andesite": 14, "bow": 1, "chest": 1, "iron_ingot": 4, "lapis_block": 1, "lapis_lazuli": 81, "cooked_porkchop": 7, "cooked_beef": 3, "stick": 4, "leather": 3, "beef": 4, "rotten_flesh": 2, "dandelion": 1, "birch_leaves": 1, "iron_axe": 1, "iron_pickaxe": 1, "oak_boat": 1, "crafting_table": 1, "cobblestone": 77, "coal": 6, "sugar_cane": 11, "iron_sword": 1, "oak_log": 2}, "nearbyChests": {"(369, 68, 192)": {"andesite": 64, "dirt": 16, "cobblestone": 576, "wooden_pickaxe": 1, "wooden_axe": 1, "wooden_shovel": 1, "diorite": 14, "oak_leaves": 15, "porkchop": 1, "spruce_log": 2, "spruce_sapling": 2, "oak_planks": 5, "spruce_planks": 11, "stone_shovel": 1, "stone_pickaxe": 1, "stone_axe": 1, "granite": 42, "clay_ball": 20, "white_wool": 6}}, "blockRecords": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "lightning_rod"]}], ["observe", {"voxels": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "chest", "lightning_rod", "cobblestone"], "status": {"health": 19.708332061767578, "food": 17, "saturation": 0, "position": {"x": 369.5, "y": 68, "z": 192.5}, "velocity": {"x": 0, "y": -0.0784000015258789, "z": 0}, "yaw": -3.1415926535873506, "pitch": -1.569727034327637, "onGround": true, "equipment": ["iron_helmet", "iron_chestplate", "iron_leggings", "iron_boots", "iron_pickaxe", "shield"], "name": "bot", "timeSinceOnGround": 0, "isInWater": false, "isInLava": false, "isCollidedHorizontally": false, "isCollidedVertically": true, "biome": "plains", "entities": {"zombie": 29.872593378049537}, "timeOfDay": "noon", "inventoryUsed": 34, "elapsedTime": 108}, "inventory": {"shears": 1, "furnace": 1, "torch": 8, "raw_copper": 5, "pumpkin": 1, "chicken": 1, "copper_ingot": 10, "glowstone_dust": 2, "spider_eye": 2, "andesite": 14, "bow": 1, "chest": 1, "iron_ingot": 4, "lapis_block": 1, "lapis_lazuli": 81, "cooked_porkchop": 7, "cooked_beef": 3, "stick": 4, "leather": 3, "beef": 4, "rotten_flesh": 2, "dandelion": 1, "birch_leaves": 1, "iron_axe": 1, "iron_pickaxe": 1, "oak_boat": 1, "crafting_table": 1, "cobblestone": 77, "coal": 6, "sugar_cane": 11, "iron_sword": 1, "oak_log": 2}, "nearbyChests": {"(369, 68, 192)": {"andesite": 64, "dirt": 16, "cobblestone": 576, "wooden_pickaxe": 1, "wooden_axe": 1, "wooden_shovel": 1, "diorite": 14, "oak_leaves": 15, "porkchop": 1, "spruce_log": 2, "spruce_sapling": 2, "oak_planks": 5, "spruce_planks": 11, "stone_shovel": 1, "stone_pickaxe": 1, "stone_axe": 1, "granite": 42, "clay_ball": 20, "white_wool": 6}}, "blockRecords": ["dirt", "grass_block", "grass", "lightning_rod"]}]]

[If applicable] Please provide the GPT conversations that are printed each round.

Details are at below:

****Action Agent human message****
Code from the last round: No code in the first round

Execution error: No error

Chat log: None

Biome: plains

Time: day

Nearby blocks: dirt, grass_block, grass, chest, lightning_rod, cobblestone

Nearby entities (nearest to farthest): zombie, bat

Health: 19.7/20

Hunger: 17.0/20

Position: x=369.5, y=68.0, z=192.5

Equipment: ['iron_helmet', 'iron_chestplate', 'iron_leggings', 'iron_boots', 'iron_pickaxe', 'shield']

Inventory (34/36): {'shears': 1, 'furnace': 1, 'torch': 8, 'raw_copper': 5, 'pumpkin': 1, 'chicken': 1, 'copper_ingot': 10, 'cobblestone': 77, 'andesite': 14, 'dandelion': 1, 'bow': 1, 'chest': 1, 'iron_ingot': 4, 'lapis_block': 1, 'lapis_lazuli': 81, 'cooked_porkchop': 7, 'cooked_beef': 3, 'stick': 4, 'leather': 3, 'beef': 4, 'glowstone_dust': 2, 'rotten_flesh': 2, 'spider_eye': 2, 'iron_axe': 1, 'iron_pickaxe': 1, 'oak_boat': 1, 'crafting_table': 1, 'birch_leaves': 1, 'coal': 6, 'sugar_cane': 11, 'iron_sword': 1, 'oak_log': 2}

Task: Deposit useless items into the chest at (369, 68, 192)

Context: Your inventory have 34 occupied slots before depositing. After depositing, your inventory should only have 20 occupied slots. You should deposit useless items such as andesite, dirt, cobblestone, etc. Also, you can deposit low-level tools, For example, if you have a stone pickaxe, you can deposit a wooden pickaxe. Make sure the list of useless items are in your inventory (do not list items already in the chest), You can use bot.inventoryUsed() to check how many inventory slots are used.

Critique: None

****Action Agent ai message****
Explain: In this task, we need to deposit certain items from the bot's inventory into a chest.

1) Find the chest at position (369, 68, 192)
2) Define the list of useless items to deposit
3) Deposit the specified useless items into the chest
4) Check the bot's inventory usage after depositing

async function depositUselessItems(bot) {
  // Find the chest at the specified position
  const chestPosition = new Vec3(369, 68, 192);

  // Define the list of useless items to deposit
  const itemsToDeposit = {
    andesite: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.andesite.id),
    dirt: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.dirt.id),
    cobblestone: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.cobblestone.id),
    wooden_pickaxe: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.wooden_pickaxe.id)

  // Deposit the specified useless items into the chest
  await depositItemIntoChest(bot, chestPosition, itemsToDeposit);

  // Check the bot's inventory usage after depositing
  const inventorySlotsUsed = bot.inventory.used();
  bot.chat(`Inventory slots used: ${inventorySlotsUsed}/36`);


Recorder message: 120638 ticks have elapsed
Recorder message: 301 iteration passed
Critic Agent: Error occurs Your code:17
const inventorySlotsUsed = bot.inventory.used();
bot.inventory.used is not a function

Skill Manager retrieving for 5 skills
Skill Manager retrieved skills: craftStonePickaxe, craftStoneShovel, craftWoodenPickaxe, craftStoneSword, craftStoneAxe
Action Agent human message
Code from the last round:
async function depositUselessItems(bot) {
// Find the chest at the specified position
const chestPosition = new Vec3(369, 68, 192);

// Define the list of useless items to deposit
const itemsToDeposit = {
andesite: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.andesite.id),
dirt: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.dirt.id),
cobblestone: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.cobblestone.id),
wooden_pickaxe: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.wooden_pickaxe.id)

// Deposit the specified useless items into the chest
await depositItemIntoChest(bot, chestPosition, itemsToDeposit);

// Check the bot's inventory usage after depositing
const inventorySlotsUsed = bot.inventory.used();
bot.chat(Inventory slots used: ${inventorySlotsUsed}/36);

Execution error:
Your code:17
const inventorySlotsUsed = bot.inventory.used();
bot.inventory.used is not a function

Chat log: Not enough andesite in inventory.
No dirt in inventory
Not enough cobblestone in inventory.
No wooden_pickaxe in inventory

Biome: plains

Time: noon

Nearby blocks: dirt, grass_block, grass, chest, lightning_rod, cobblestone

Nearby entities (nearest to farthest): bat, zombie

Health: 19.7/20

Hunger: 17.0/20

Position: x=369.5, y=68.0, z=192.5

Equipment: ['iron_helmet', 'iron_chestplate', 'iron_leggings', 'iron_boots', 'iron_pickaxe', 'shield']

Inventory (34/36): {'shears': 1, 'furnace': 1, 'torch': 8, 'raw_copper': 5, 'pumpkin': 1, 'chicken': 1, 'copper_ingot': 10, 'andesite': 14, 'cobblestone': 77, 'dandelion': 1, 'bow': 1, 'chest': 1, 'iron_ingot': 4, 'lapis_block': 1, 'lapis_lazuli': 81, 'cooked_porkchop': 7, 'cooked_beef': 3, 'stick': 4, 'leather': 3, 'beef': 4, 'glowstone_dust': 2, 'rotten_flesh': 2, 'spider_eye': 2, 'iron_axe': 1, 'iron_pickaxe': 1, 'oak_boat': 1, 'crafting_table': 1, 'birch_leaves': 1, 'coal': 6, 'sugar_cane': 11, 'iron_sword': 1, 'oak_log': 2}

Task: Deposit useless items into the chest at (369, 68, 192)

Context: Your inventory have 34 occupied slots before depositing. After depositing, your inventory should only have 20 occupied slots. You should deposit useless items such as andesite, dirt, cobblestone, etc. Also, you can deposit low-level tools, For example, if you have a stone pickaxe, you can deposit a wooden pickaxe. Make sure the list of useless items are in your inventory (do not list items already in the chest), You can use bot.inventoryUsed() to check how many inventory slots are used.

Critique: None

Action Agent ai message
Explain: The error occurs because I used the non-existent function bot.inventory.used(). Instead, I should use bot.inventory.items() and filter only the non-empty items to count the used slots.


  1. Define the chest position
  2. Define the list of useless items to deposit based on the current inventory
  3. Deposit the specified useless items into the chest
  4. Count the used inventory slots after depositing and report it using bot.chat


async function depositUselessItems(bot) {
  // Find the chest at the specified position
  const chestPosition = new Vec3(369, 68, 192);

  // Define the list of useless items to deposit
  const itemsToDeposit = {
    andesite: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.andesite.id),
    dirt: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.dirt.id),
    cobblestone: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.cobblestone.id),
    wooden_pickaxe: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.wooden_pickaxe.id)

  // Deposit the specified useless items into the chest
  await depositItemIntoChest(bot, chestPosition, itemsToDeposit);

  // Count the used inventory slots after depositing
  const inventorySlotsUsed = bot.inventory.items().filter(item => item).length;
  bot.chat(`Inventory slots used: ${inventorySlotsUsed}/36`);

Recorder message: 120751 ticks have elapsed
Recorder message: 302 iteration passed
Critic Agent human message
Biome: plains

Time: noon

Nearby blocks: dirt, grass_block, grass, chest, lightning_rod, cobblestone

Health: 19.7/20

Hunger: 17.0/20

Position: x=369.5, y=68.0, z=192.5

Equipment: ['iron_helmet', 'iron_chestplate', 'iron_leggings', 'iron_boots', 'iron_pickaxe', 'shield']

Inventory (34/36): {'shears': 1, 'furnace': 1, 'torch': 8, 'raw_copper': 5, 'pumpkin': 1, 'chicken': 1, 'copper_ingot': 10, 'cobblestone': 77, 'andesite': 14, 'dandelion': 1, 'bow': 1, 'chest': 1, 'iron_ingot': 4, 'lapis_block': 1, 'lapis_lazuli': 81, 'cooked_porkchop': 7, 'cooked_beef': 3, 'stick': 4, 'leather': 3, 'beef': 4, 'glowstone_dust': 2, 'rotten_flesh': 2, 'spider_eye': 2, 'iron_axe': 1, 'iron_pickaxe': 1, 'oak_boat': 1, 'crafting_table': 1, 'birch_leaves': 1, 'coal': 6, 'sugar_cane': 11, 'iron_sword': 1, 'oak_log': 2}

(369, 68, 192): {'andesite': 64, 'dirt': 16, 'cobblestone': 576, 'wooden_pickaxe': 1, 'wooden_axe': 1, 'wooden_shovel': 1, 'diorite': 14, 'oak_leaves': 15, 'porkchop': 1, 'spruce_log': 2, 'spruce_sapling': 2, 'oak_planks': 5, 'spruce_planks': 11, 'stone_shovel': 1, 'stone_pickaxe': 1, 'stone_axe': 1, 'granite': 42, 'clay_ball': 20, 'white_wool': 6}
(1164, 73, 1035): Empty

Task: Deposit useless items into the chest at (369, 68, 192)

Context: Your inventory have 34 occupied slots before depositing. After depositing, your inventory should only have 20 occupied slots. You should deposit useless items such as andesite, dirt, cobblestone, etc. Also, you can deposit low-level tools, For example, if you have a stone pickaxe, you can deposit a wooden pickaxe. Make sure the list of useless items are in your inventory (do not list items already in the chest), You can use bot.inventoryUsed() to check how many inventory slots are used.

Critic Agent ai message
"reasoning": "You have 34 occupied slots in your inventory before depositing, and the task requires you to have only 20 occupied slots after depositing. You need to deposit more useless items.",
"success": false,
"critique": "Deposit more useless items such as andesite, cobblestone, dandelion, birch_leaves, rotten_flesh, spider_eye, glowstone_dust, and low-level tools like wooden_pickaxe, wooden_axe, and wooden_shovel to meet the requirement of having only 20 occupied slots in your inventory."
Skill Manager retrieving for 5 skills
Skill Manager retrieved skills: craftStonePickaxe, craftStoneShovel, craftWoodenPickaxe, craftStoneSword, craftStoneAxe
Action Agent human message
Code from the last round:
async function depositUselessItems(bot) {
// Find the chest at the specified position
const chestPosition = new Vec3(369, 68, 192);

// Define the list of useless items to deposit
const itemsToDeposit = {
andesite: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.andesite.id),
dirt: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.dirt.id),
cobblestone: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.cobblestone.id),
wooden_pickaxe: bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName.wooden_pickaxe.id)

// Deposit the specified useless items into the chest
await depositItemIntoChest(bot, chestPosition, itemsToDeposit);

// Count the used inventory slots after depositing
const inventorySlotsUsed = bot.inventory.items().filter(item => item).length;
bot.chat(Inventory slots used: ${inventorySlotsUsed}/36);

Execution error: No error

Chat log: Not enough andesite in inventory.
No dirt in inventory
Not enough cobblestone in inventory.
No wooden_pickaxe in inventory
Inventory slots used: 34/36

Biome: plains

Time: noon

Nearby blocks: dirt, grass_block, grass, chest, lightning_rod, cobblestone

Nearby entities (nearest to farthest): zombie, bat

Health: 19.7/20

Hunger: 17.0/20

Position: x=369.5, y=68.0, z=192.5

Equipment: ['iron_helmet', 'iron_chestplate', 'iron_leggings', 'iron_boots', 'iron_pickaxe', 'shield']

Inventory (34/36): {'shears': 1, 'furnace': 1, 'torch': 8, 'raw_copper': 5, 'pumpkin': 1, 'chicken': 1, 'copper_ingot': 10, 'cobblestone': 77, 'andesite': 14, 'dandelion': 1, 'bow': 1, 'chest': 1, 'iron_ingot': 4, 'lapis_block': 1, 'lapis_lazuli': 81, 'cooked_porkchop': 7, 'cooked_beef': 3, 'stick': 4, 'leather': 3, 'beef': 4, 'glowstone_dust': 2, 'rotten_flesh': 2, 'spider_eye': 2, 'iron_axe': 1, 'iron_pickaxe': 1, 'oak_boat': 1, 'crafting_table': 1, 'birch_leaves': 1, 'coal': 6, 'sugar_cane': 11, 'iron_sword': 1, 'oak_log': 2}

Task: Deposit useless items into the chest at (369, 68, 192)

Context: Your inventory have 34 occupied slots before depositing. After depositing, your inventory should only have 20 occupied slots. You should deposit useless items such as andesite, dirt, cobblestone, etc. Also, you can deposit low-level tools, For example, if you have a stone pickaxe, you can deposit a wooden pickaxe. Make sure the list of useless items are in your inventory (do not list items already in the chest), You can use bot.inventoryUsed() to check how many inventory slots are used.

Critique: Deposit more useless items such as andesite, cobblestone, dandelion, birch_leaves, rotten_flesh, spider_eye, glowstone_dust, and low-level tools like wooden_pickaxe, wooden_axe, and wooden_shovel to meet the requirement of having only 20 occupied slots in your inventory.

Action Agent ai message
Explain: The current code only tries to deposit andesite, dirt, cobblestone, and wooden_pickaxe. However, there are other useless items in the inventory that should be deposited to meet the requirement of having only 20 occupied slots in the inventory.


  1. Define a list of useless items to deposit, including andesite, cobblestone, dandelion, birch_leaves, rotten_flesh, spider_eye, glowstone_dust, and low-level tools like wooden_pickaxe, wooden_axe, and wooden_shovel.
  2. Check if the bot has these items in the inventory.
  3. Deposit the specified useless items into the chest at the specified position.
  4. Count the used inventory slots after depositing and display the result.


async function depositUselessItems(bot) {
  // Find the chest at the specified position
  const chestPosition = new Vec3(369, 68, 192);

  // Define the list of useless items to deposit
  const uselessItems = [

  const itemsToDeposit = {};
  for (const itemName of uselessItems) {
    const itemCount = bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName[itemName].id);
    if (itemCount > 0) {
      itemsToDeposit[itemName] = itemCount;

  // Deposit the specified useless items into the chest
  await depositItemIntoChest(bot, chestPosition, itemsToDeposit);

  // Count the used inventory slots after depositing
  const inventorySlotsUsed = bot.inventory.items().filter(item => item).length;
  bot.chat(`Inventory slots used: ${inventorySlotsUsed}/36`);

Recorder message: 120856 ticks have elapsed
Recorder message: 303 iteration passed
Critic Agent human message
Biome: plains

Time: noon

Nearby blocks: dirt, grass_block, grass, chest, lightning_rod, cobblestone

Health: 19.7/20

Hunger: 17.0/20

Position: x=369.5, y=68.0, z=192.5

Equipment: ['iron_helmet', 'iron_chestplate', 'iron_leggings', 'iron_boots', 'iron_pickaxe', 'shield']

Inventory (34/36): {'shears': 1, 'furnace': 1, 'torch': 8, 'raw_copper': 5, 'pumpkin': 1, 'chicken': 1, 'copper_ingot': 10, 'andesite': 14, 'glowstone_dust': 2, 'cobblestone': 77, 'bow': 1, 'chest': 1, 'iron_ingot': 4, 'lapis_block': 1, 'lapis_lazuli': 81, 'cooked_porkchop': 7, 'cooked_beef': 3, 'stick': 4, 'leather': 3, 'beef': 4, 'spider_eye': 2, 'birch_leaves': 1, 'rotten_flesh': 2, 'iron_axe': 1, 'iron_pickaxe': 1, 'oak_boat': 1, 'crafting_table': 1, 'dandelion': 1, 'coal': 6, 'sugar_cane': 11, 'iron_sword': 1, 'oak_log': 2}

(369, 68, 192): {'andesite': 64, 'dirt': 16, 'cobblestone': 576, 'wooden_pickaxe': 1, 'wooden_axe': 1, 'wooden_shovel': 1, 'diorite': 14, 'oak_leaves': 15, 'porkchop': 1, 'spruce_log': 2, 'spruce_sapling': 2, 'oak_planks': 5, 'spruce_planks': 11, 'stone_shovel': 1, 'stone_pickaxe': 1, 'stone_axe': 1, 'granite': 42, 'clay_ball': 20, 'white_wool': 6}
(1164, 73, 1035): Empty

Task: Deposit useless items into the chest at (369, 68, 192)

Context: Your inventory have 34 occupied slots before depositing. After depositing, your inventory should only have 20 occupied slots. You should deposit useless items such as andesite, dirt, cobblestone, etc. Also, you can deposit low-level tools, For example, if you have a stone pickaxe, you can deposit a wooden pickaxe. Make sure the list of useless items are in your inventory (do not list items already in the chest), You can use bot.inventoryUsed() to check how many inventory slots are used.

Critic Agent ai message
"reasoning": "You have 34 occupied slots in your inventory before depositing, which is more than 20. You need to deposit more items from your inventory to the chest.",
"success": false,
"critique": "Deposit more useless items such as andesite, cobblestone, birch_leaves, rotten_flesh, spider_eye, glowstone_dust, wooden_pickaxe, wooden_axe, wooden_shovel, and other low-value items to meet the requirement of having only 20 occupied slots in your inventory."
Skill Manager retrieving for 5 skills
Skill Manager retrieved skills: craftStonePickaxe, craftStoneShovel, craftWoodenPickaxe, craftStoneSword, craftStoneAxe
Action Agent human message
Code from the last round:
async function depositUselessItems(bot) {
// Find the chest at the specified position
const chestPosition = new Vec3(369, 68, 192);

// Define the list of useless items to deposit
const uselessItems = ["andesite", "cobblestone", "dandelion", "birch_leaves", "rotten_flesh", "spider_eye", "glowstone_dust", "wooden_pickaxe", "wooden_axe", "wooden_shovel"];
const itemsToDeposit = {};
for (const itemName of uselessItems) {
const itemCount = bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName[itemName].id);
if (itemCount > 0) {
itemsToDeposit[itemName] = itemCount;

// Deposit the specified useless items into the chest
await depositItemIntoChest(bot, chestPosition, itemsToDeposit);

// Count the used inventory slots after depositing
const inventorySlotsUsed = bot.inventory.items().filter(item => item).length;
bot.chat(Inventory slots used: ${inventorySlotsUsed}/36);

Execution error: No error

Chat log: Not enough andesite in inventory.
Not enough cobblestone in inventory.
Not enough dandelion in inventory.
Not enough birch_leaves in inventory.
Not enough rotten_flesh in inventory.
Not enough spider_eye in inventory.
Not enough glowstone_dust in inventory.
Inventory slots used: 34/36

Biome: plains

Time: noon

Nearby blocks: dirt, grass_block, grass, chest, lightning_rod, cobblestone

Nearby entities (nearest to farthest): zombie, bat

Health: 19.7/20

Hunger: 17.0/20

Position: x=369.5, y=68.0, z=192.5

Equipment: ['iron_helmet', 'iron_chestplate', 'iron_leggings', 'iron_boots', 'iron_pickaxe', 'shield']

Inventory (34/36): {'shears': 1, 'furnace': 1, 'torch': 8, 'raw_copper': 5, 'pumpkin': 1, 'chicken': 1, 'copper_ingot': 10, 'andesite': 14, 'glowstone_dust': 2, 'cobblestone': 77, 'bow': 1, 'chest': 1, 'iron_ingot': 4, 'lapis_block': 1, 'lapis_lazuli': 81, 'cooked_porkchop': 7, 'cooked_beef': 3, 'stick': 4, 'leather': 3, 'beef': 4, 'spider_eye': 2, 'birch_leaves': 1, 'rotten_flesh': 2, 'iron_axe': 1, 'iron_pickaxe': 1, 'oak_boat': 1, 'crafting_table': 1, 'dandelion': 1, 'coal': 6, 'sugar_cane': 11, 'iron_sword': 1, 'oak_log': 2}

Task: Deposit useless items into the chest at (369, 68, 192)

Context: Your inventory have 34 occupied slots before depositing. After depositing, your inventory should only have 20 occupied slots. You should deposit useless items such as andesite, dirt, cobblestone, etc. Also, you can deposit low-level tools, For example, if you have a stone pickaxe, you can deposit a wooden pickaxe. Make sure the list of useless items are in your inventory (do not list items already in the chest), You can use bot.inventoryUsed() to check how many inventory slots are used.

Critique: Deposit more useless items such as andesite, cobblestone, birch_leaves, rotten_flesh, spider_eye, glowstone_dust, wooden_pickaxe, wooden_axe, wooden_shovel, and other low-value items to meet the requirement of having only 20 occupied slots in your inventory.

Action Agent ai message
Explain: The current code did not deposit enough items to meet the requirement of having only 20 occupied slots in the inventory. We need to increase the number of items deposited and ensure that they are in the inventory.


  1. Create a list of useless items to deposit, including low-level tools if higher-level tools are present.
  2. Iterate through the list and count the number of each item in the inventory.
  3. Deposit the specified items into the chest.
  4. Check the number of used inventory slots after depositing.


async function depositUselessItems(bot) {
  // Find the chest at the specified position
  const chestPosition = new Vec3(369, 68, 192);

  // Define the list of useless items to deposit
  const uselessItems = [
    "andesite", "dirt", "cobblestone", "dandelion", "birch_leaves", "rotten_flesh", "spider_eye", "glowstone_dust",
    "wooden_pickaxe", "wooden_axe", "wooden_shovel"

  // Add low-level tools to the list if higher-level tools are present
  if (bot.inventory.findInventoryItem(mcData.itemsByName.stone_pickaxe.id)) {
  if (bot.inventory.findInventoryItem(mcData.itemsByName.stone_axe.id)) {
  if (bot.inventory.findInventoryItem(mcData.itemsByName.stone_shovel.id)) {

  const itemsToDeposit = {};
  for (const itemName of uselessItems) {
    const itemCount = bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName[itemName].id);
    if (itemCount > 0) {
      itemsToDeposit[itemName] = itemCount;

  // Deposit the specified useless items into the chest
  await depositItemIntoChest(bot, chestPosition, itemsToDeposit);

  // Count the used inventory slots after depositing
  const inventorySlotsUsed = bot.inventory.items().filter(item => item).length;
  bot.chat(`Inventory slots used: ${inventorySlotsUsed}/36`);

Recorder message: 120964 ticks have elapsed
Recorder message: 304 iteration passed
Critic Agent human message
Biome: plains

Time: noon

Nearby blocks: dirt, grass_block, grass, chest, lightning_rod, cobblestone

Health: 19.7/20

Hunger: 17.0/20

Position: x=369.5, y=68.0, z=192.5

Equipment: ['iron_helmet', 'iron_chestplate', 'iron_leggings', 'iron_boots', 'iron_pickaxe', 'shield']

Inventory (34/36): {'shears': 1, 'furnace': 1, 'torch': 8, 'raw_copper': 5, 'pumpkin': 1, 'chicken': 1, 'copper_ingot': 10, 'glowstone_dust': 2, 'spider_eye': 2, 'andesite': 14, 'bow': 1, 'chest': 1, 'iron_ingot': 4, 'lapis_block': 1, 'lapis_lazuli': 81, 'cooked_porkchop': 7, 'cooked_beef': 3, 'stick': 4, 'leather': 3, 'beef': 4, 'rotten_flesh': 2, 'dandelion': 1, 'birch_leaves': 1, 'iron_axe': 1, 'iron_pickaxe': 1, 'oak_boat': 1, 'crafting_table': 1, 'cobblestone': 77, 'coal': 6, 'sugar_cane': 11, 'iron_sword': 1, 'oak_log': 2}

(369, 68, 192): {'andesite': 64, 'dirt': 16, 'cobblestone': 576, 'wooden_pickaxe': 1, 'wooden_axe': 1, 'wooden_shovel': 1, 'diorite': 14, 'oak_leaves': 15, 'porkchop': 1, 'spruce_log': 2, 'spruce_sapling': 2, 'oak_planks': 5, 'spruce_planks': 11, 'stone_shovel': 1, 'stone_pickaxe': 1, 'stone_axe': 1, 'granite': 42, 'clay_ball': 20, 'white_wool': 6}
(1164, 73, 1035): Empty

Task: Deposit useless items into the chest at (369, 68, 192)

Context: Your inventory have 34 occupied slots before depositing. After depositing, your inventory should only have 20 occupied slots. You should deposit useless items such as andesite, dirt, cobblestone, etc. Also, you can deposit low-level tools, For example, if you have a stone pickaxe, you can deposit a wooden pickaxe. Make sure the list of useless items are in your inventory (do not list items already in the chest), You can use bot.inventoryUsed() to check how many inventory slots are used.

Critic Agent ai message
"reasoning": "You have 34 items in your inventory before depositing, which is more than 20. You need to deposit more items from your inventory to the chest.",
"success": false,
"critique": "Deposit more useless items such as andesite, raw_copper, pumpkin, chicken, glowstone_dust, spider_eye, dandelion, birch_leaves, rotten_flesh, and wooden tools to meet the requirement of having only 20 occupied slots in your inventory."
Skill Manager retrieving for 5 skills
Skill Manager retrieved skills: craftStonePickaxe, craftStoneShovel, craftWoodenPickaxe, craftStoneSword, craftStoneAxe
Action Agent human message
Code from the last round:
async function depositUselessItems(bot) {
// Find the chest at the specified position
const chestPosition = new Vec3(369, 68, 192);

// Define the list of useless items to deposit
const uselessItems = ["andesite", "dirt", "cobblestone", "dandelion", "birch_leaves", "rotten_flesh", "spider_eye", "glowstone_dust", "wooden_pickaxe", "wooden_axe", "wooden_shovel"];

// Add low-level tools to the list if higher-level tools are present
if (bot.inventory.findInventoryItem(mcData.itemsByName.stone_pickaxe.id)) {
if (bot.inventory.findInventoryItem(mcData.itemsByName.stone_axe.id)) {
if (bot.inventory.findInventoryItem(mcData.itemsByName.stone_shovel.id)) {
const itemsToDeposit = {};
for (const itemName of uselessItems) {
const itemCount = bot.inventory.count(mcData.itemsByName[itemName].id);
if (itemCount > 0) {
itemsToDeposit[itemName] = itemCount;

// Deposit the specified useless items into the chest
await depositItemIntoChest(bot, chestPosition, itemsToDeposit);

// Count the used inventory slots after depositing
const inventorySlotsUsed = bot.inventory.items().filter(item => item).length;
bot.chat(Inventory slots used: ${inventorySlotsUsed}/36);

Execution error: No error

Chat log: Not enough andesite in inventory.
Not enough cobblestone in inventory.
Not enough dandelion in inventory.
Not enough birch_leaves in inventory.
Not enough rotten_flesh in inventory.
Not enough spider_eye in inventory.
Not enough glowstone_dust in inventory.
Inventory slots used: 34/36

Biome: plains

Time: noon

Nearby blocks: dirt, grass_block, grass, chest, lightning_rod, cobblestone

Nearby entities (nearest to farthest): zombie

Health: 19.7/20

Hunger: 17.0/20

Position: x=369.5, y=68.0, z=192.5

Equipment: ['iron_helmet', 'iron_chestplate', 'iron_leggings', 'iron_boots', 'iron_pickaxe', 'shield']

Inventory (34/36): {'shears': 1, 'furnace': 1, 'torch': 8, 'raw_copper': 5, 'pumpkin': 1, 'chicken': 1, 'copper_ingot': 10, 'glowstone_dust': 2, 'spider_eye': 2, 'andesite': 14, 'bow': 1, 'chest': 1, 'iron_ingot': 4, 'lapis_block': 1, 'lapis_lazuli': 81, 'cooked_porkchop': 7, 'cooked_beef': 3, 'stick': 4, 'leather': 3, 'beef': 4, 'rotten_flesh': 2, 'dandelion': 1, 'birch_leaves': 1, 'iron_axe': 1, 'iron_pickaxe': 1, 'oak_boat': 1, 'crafting_table': 1, 'cobblestone': 77, 'coal': 6, 'sugar_cane': 11, 'iron_sword': 1, 'oak_log': 2}

Task: Deposit useless items into the chest at (369, 68, 192)

Context: Your inventory have 34 occupied slots before depositing. After depositing, your inventory should only have 20 occupied slots. You should deposit useless items such as andesite, dirt, cobblestone, etc. Also, you can deposit low-level tools, For example, if you have a stone pickaxe, you can deposit a wooden pickaxe. Make sure the list of useless items are in your inventory (do not list items already in the chest), You can use bot.inventoryUsed() to check how many inventory slots are used.

Critique: Deposit more useless items such as andesite, raw_copper, pumpkin, chicken, glowstone_dust, spider_eye, dandelion, birch_leaves, rotten_flesh, and wooden tools to meet the requirement of having only 20 occupied slots in your inventory.

Completed tasks: Mine 1 wood log, Obtain 4 more spruce logs, Craft a wooden pickaxe, Craft a wooden axe, Craft a wooden shovel, Mine 10 cobblestone, Craft a stone pickaxe, Mine 1 copper ore, Mine 5 coal ores, Mine 1 iron ore, Smelt 1 iron ore, Craft 4 sticks, Mine 5 iron ores, Mine 3 iron ores, Craft an iron pickaxe, Smelt 5 raw iron, Craft an iron chestplate, Kill 1 animal for food, Cook 1 porkchop, Smelt 3 raw iron, Chop down 5 spruce logs, Equip iron chestplate, Cook 9 porkchops, Craft shears, Shear 1 sheep, Craftine 5 iron ores, Mine 3 iron ores, Craft an iron pickaxe, Smelt 5 raw iron, Craft an iron chestplate, Kill 1 animal for food, Cook 1 porkchop, Smelt 3 raw iron, Chop down 5 spruce logs, Equip iron chestplate, Cook 9 porkchops, Craft shears, Shear 1 sheep, Craft a stone axe, Craft a bed, Obtain 5 oak logs, Craft 4 torches, Craft a shield, Smelt 13 raw copper, Shear 2 more sheep, Craft a lightning rod, Find a cave entrance, Place a chest, Mine 1 lapis_ore, Craft an iron sword, Eat 1 cooked porkchop, Equip iron helmet,
Craft iron leggings, Equip iron_leggings, Place the lightning rod near your chest, Smelt 2 raw iron, Eat 1 cooked_porkchop, Craft a stone shovel, Craft a stone sword, Mine 5 clay blocks, Kill 1 zombie, Explore the plains biome, Kill 2 pigs, Eat 2 cooked_porkchoCraft iron leggings, Equip iron_leggings, Place the lightning rod near your chest, Smelt 2 raw iron, Eat 1 cooked_porkchop, Craft a stone shovel, Craft a stone sword, Mine 5 clay blocks, Kill 1 zombie, Explore the plains biome, Kill 2 pigs, Eat 2 cooked_porkchops, Open the chest at (1164, 73, 1035), Equip iron_sword, Craft an oak boat, Cook 5 porkchops, Collect 1 pumpkin, Craft 1 Lapis Lazuli Block, Craft iron boots, Kill 1 cow, Equip iron boots, Craft a crafting table, Smelt 4 raw iron, Craft 8 torches, Craft a torch, Cook 3 beef, Craft a bow, Craft an iron axe, Kill 1 chicken, Obtain 3 sugarcane
Failed tasks: Craft a spyglass, Shear 3 sheep, Kill 1 Enderman, Craft an iron helmet and iron leggings, Sleep in the white bed, Craft an iron helmet and iron leggings, Craft a spyglass, Craft 6 blue wool, Kill 2 spiders for strings, Craft a stone hoe, Mine 3 redstone ores, Craft a fishing rod, Kill 1 skeleton, Find a saddle, Craft a spyglass, Craft a furnace, Kill 1 creeper, Kill 1 witch, Place the chest and check the unknown chest at (1164, 73, 1035), Craft 1 glowstone block, Kill 2 spiders for strings, Craft a spyglass, Find a cave entrance in the forest biome, Kill 1 creeper, Kill 2 spiders for strings, Craft a spyglass, Craft a leather helmet, Kill 1 skeleton, Kill 1 skeleton, Collect 8 snowballs, Travel to a new biome, Mine 1 deepslate_diamond_ore, Craft a fishing rod, Craft a Jack o'Lantern, Craft a Jack o'Lantern, Kill 1 creeper, Travel to a new biome, Craft a leather helmet, Craft a compass


In addition, the reason why I adjusted the temperature of several agents to 0.5 and 0.7 is that in the first few experiments, I found that the system often got stuck in a few unsolvable problems, and the generated code was almost always wrong in the same way. Therefore, I wanted to try to increase some diversity in both the curriculum and action agents.

Hi, did you pull the latest version of Voyager? I fixed a typo about the chest selection in the latest commit. Sorry about the inconvenience.

Hi, did you pull the latest version of Voyager? I fixed a typo about the chest selection in the latest commit. Sorry about the inconvenience.

Haven't pull commit: 220735c yet, I'll pull the latest version and retry, thank you!