- 6
node.js install error
#179 opened by fangd123 - 2
- 0
проблема с openai
#180 opened by privetsuhfhh - 2
- 0
Dependence Error
#173 opened by BlackTea-c - 4
No module named voyager.utils
#171 opened by Rypex - 3
Can't pip install -e .
#172 opened by femto - 13
Fails with small models including llama3-8b
#157 opened by TimeLordRaps - 2
#174 opened by BlackTea-c - 3
- 2
bot falls out and dies after entering server
#169 opened by spearsheep - 5
npx tsc giving error when running it
#156 opened by occulusgamernerd - 3
- 3
Is Voyager built on top of MineDojo?
#167 opened by MurakamiNatsuki - 4
My Bot can not craft anything
#164 opened by ChunjiangMonkey - 4
Minecraft hosting
#165 opened by Zbbzbzh - 2
Minecraft hosting
#166 opened by Zbbzbzh - 6
MC seeds used by Voyager's skill libraries
#162 opened by egeozguroglu - 5
the bot join and left immidiatly
#163 opened by zheline - 3
Setting up Voyager on llama3-70b and a question.
#161 opened by azw2002 - 12
- 2
How to configure the environment on top of MineDojo?
#133 opened by lyh1028 - 4
Connect to OpenAI failes: requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response'))
#155 opened by StL-Jim - 4
- 6
Implement a way test local models
#149 opened by bennmann - 2
Instructions for Replay Mod Recording
#158 opened by egeozguroglu - 0
Biome Field Empty String
#160 opened by egeozguroglu - 3
Can't run voyager.learn() for the first time: We're unable to complete your request, unauthorized_client
#130 opened by VincentCCandela - 2
module 'openai' has no attribute 'error'
#154 opened by StL-Jim - 4
- 6
App Registration Entra Directives?
#147 opened by triple-it - 3
On install, crashing when installing cChardet
#121 opened by DR4GONSTEAR - 4
the error on run "npx tsc"
#150 opened by kobeap - 5
Error while installing
#143 opened by igjnaj - 5
Error running npm install -g npx
#139 opened by nvihow - 1
Connection refused
#151 opened by kobeap - 3
- 3
ISSUE:Your last round rollout terminated due to error: list index out of range
#145 opened by Raven-July - 1
Constant empty inventory
#146 opened by Rai220 - 0
Error while python install
#142 opened by igjnaj - 2
- 1
Error running npx tsc
#134 opened by viktor-ferenczi - 4
Cannot set up Voyager: system environment issue
#127 opened by Coppelian - 1
`openai` has no `ChatCompletion` attribute
#132 opened by SomeoneSon - 5
bot doesn't come in
#126 opened by VinDmiAnd - 4
- 5
- 1
Bridge failed to spawn JS process! Do you have Node.js 16 or newer installed? Get it at
#129 opened by Intellouis - 1
Is it possible to give a approximate cost for each run? Want to try it but have a budget limit
#128 opened by mixuechu - 0
does not want to connect to a single local game
#125 opened by VinDmiAnd