
A simple website template for a Minecraft server. Integrates with GitHub Pages for free hosting.

MIT LicenseMIT

Moonrise logo


A simple, lightweight, responsive landing page template for a Minecraft server. Integrates with Discord, Minecraft server status, and GitHub Pages to host a free website.


  • Shows the server's Minecraft Java version automatically
  • Shows a channel from your Discord server on the homepage
  • Changes color when Minecraft server is detected to be offline
  • Click to copy server IP
  • Screenshots page
  • Progressive Web App (coming soon)

Support Discord

Demo: https://coffeebank.github.io/moonrise

CrispBuild demo

Getting Started

The quickest way to get up and running is to use GitHub Pages (free).

  1. Click "Fork" on the top right corner
  2. Invite Widgetbot into your Discord server, and get your Server ID and Channel ID to show on your website
  3. Edit _config.yml with your information, using media folder for logos/assets
  4. Edit index.md, about.md, map.md, and donate.md with your info
  5. Screenshots page will autofill with pics in the screenshots folder

Finally, you're ready to publish your site:

  1. Click the "Settings" tab
  2. Change the Repository name to the website link you want
  3. On the left sidebar, click "Pages", Source: master branch, /docs folder, click "Save"

And you're done! Your website will be live at: https://<username>.github.io/<repositoryname>

Wiki: For advanced users, site navigation, and other features >


To get new moonrise updates synced to your website, go to your repo, and click "Fetch upstream", then "Fetch and merge".



Contributions are welcome, with all code falling under this LICENSE.




