
PS/2 Keyboard Decoder in Rust

Primary LanguageRust


A simple driver for handling PC keyboards, with both Scancode Set 1 (when running on a PC) and Scancode Set 2 support (when reading a PS/2 keyboard output directly).


  • Scancode Set 1 and 2
  • Dvorak 104-key layout
  • US 104-key layout
  • UK 105-key layout
  • JIS 109-key layout


extern crate pc_keyboard;

use pc_keyboard::{Keyboard, layouts, ScancodeSet2, HandleControl};

fn main() {
	let mut kb = pc_keyboard::Keyboard::new(layouts::Us104Key, ScancodeSet2, HandleControl::MapLettersToUnicode);
	match kb.add_byte(0x20) {
		Ok(Some(event)) => {
			println!("Event {:?}", event);
		Ok(None) => {
			println!("Need more data");
		Err(e) => {
			println!("Error decoding: {:?}", e);