
Bubble Chat UI in swift using autolayout

Primary LanguageSwift


Bubble Chat UI in swift using auto layout

Simplely make an array using custom data class. and it will automatically display everything.

ScreenShot ScreenShot

#New and Changed feature this version

  • Added 2 custom data model. (UserData and ImageData)

step 1.

let userMe = LynnUserData(userUniqueId: "123", userNickName: "me", userProfileImage: nil, additionalInfo: nil)

step 2.

let imgDataCat1 = LynnAttachedImageData(url: "http://i.imgur.com/FkInYhB.jpg")

step 3.

let data = LynnBubbleData(userData: userMe, dataOwner: .me, message: nil, messageDate: Date(), attachedImage: imgDataCat1)
  • Seperated DataSource and Delegate.


tbBubbleDemo.bubbleDataSource = self


tbBubbleDemo.bubbleDelegate = self
tbBubbleDemo.bubbleDataSource = self
  • Added 3 more delegate function

      func bubbleTableView(_ bubbleTableView: LynnBubbleTableView, didLongTouchedAt index: Int)
      func bubbleTableView(_ bubbleTableView: LynnBubbleTableView, didTouchedAttachedImage image: UIImage, at index: Int)
      func bubbleTableView(_ bubbleTableView: LynnBubbleTableView, didTouchedUserProfile userData: LynnUserData, at index: Int)
  • Protocol Method name has been changed like swift 3 style.

#How to use 1.Import LynnBubbleTableView folder. (12 files)

2.Add a tableview in your storyboard or xib whatever, and change custom class from UITableView to LynnBubbleTableView in identity inspector

3.Connect IBOulet in your view controller.

4.set custom datasource.

self.tbBubbleDemo.bubbleDataSource = self

5.You only need 2 datasource function.

func bubbleTableView(dataAt index: Int, bubbleTableView: LynnBubbleTableView) -> LynnBubbleData {
    return self.arrChatTest[index]

func bubbleTableView(numberOfRows bubbleTableView: LynnBubbleTableView) -> Int {
    return self.arrChatTest.count

6.that's it

#Data Initialize refer 'New and Changed feature this version'


var grouping:Bool = true
var scrollHeader = true
var showWeekDayHeader = true
var showNickName = true      

#Copy Right do it whatever you want, but please don't remove top of the 7 comment lines :)

It is my first public library. Hope it will be helpful