
A authserver and skin fix for legacy versions of minecraft.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A authserver and skin fix for legacy versions of minecraft.


Requires Java 7. (In theory this can be built for Java 5, but I lack the build tools required for that.) If running this on Java 12 and newer, please add the following JVM argument: --add-exports java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http=ALL-UNNAMED

  1. As a mod: The same Jar will run on forge, bukkit and Risugami's modloader for Minecaft versions Alpha 1.2.4 to Minecraft release 1.7.10 (These are merely the versions I tested)
  2. As a JavaAgent: Add the following JVM argument: -javaagent:{path}/agent.jar (replace path with the location of the agent.jar)
  3. Inline/static: In this setup, Agenta is essentially taking over the role of Launching minecraft. Add the following JVM argument and change out {mainClass} as needed depending on which minecraft version you are launching: -Dagenta.main.class={mainClass}
  4. As a Bukkit plugin (Tested with bukkit for Minecraft Beta 1.2_01)

JVM settings

Non of these are needed to launch Agenta. The available contexts are
"*" => ALL
"static" => When Agenta is launched as the main class with the expectation of chainloading another class manually.

*agenta.assets.index-Dagenta.assets.index={value}The URL for the asset index Agenta should use as a base
*agenta.assets.url-Dagenta.assets.url={value}The URL for the resource server Agenta should pull assets from
*agenta.assets.fml-Dagenta.assets.fml={value}A link to an archive Agenta should forward legacy forge download requests to
*agenta.console.colour-Dagenta.console.colour=falsePass the value 'false' to disable colour printing.
staticagenta.main.class-Dagenta.main.class={value}The class Agenta should try to load next when running in static/inline mode