
Experimenting with socket programming

Primary LanguagePython

   _____       _      _____            _        _         ____            
  / ____|     | |    / ____|          | |      | |       |  _ \           
 | |  __  ___ | |_  | (___   ___   ___| | _____| |_ ___  | |_) |_ __ ___  
 | | |_ |/ _ \| __|  \___ \ / _ \ / __| |/ / _ \ __/ __| |  _ <| '__/ _ \ 
 | |__| | (_) | |_   ____) | (_) | (__|   <  __/ |_\__ \ | |_) | | | (_) |
  \_____|\___/ \__| |_____/ \___/ \___|_|\_\___|\__|___/ |____/|_|  \___/ 


Install instructions:
	make all

	This makes a couple of .o executables. Run the server, then the client
	The client is on a loop until you exit the program

Uninstall instructions:
	make clean
	This removes all executables and you're just left with the .cpp files

Currently the server does nothing but processes the input from the client

the client just loops asking for an input to send to the server