
ERP-like microservices system built for research purposes. Golang port.

Primary LanguageGo


Golang refactor of the Minerva System.


Use the Makefile to build. You will need a Golang compiler with minimum version 1.20.4.

make            # To build everything
make protobufs  # To regenerate Protocol Buffers implementations
make clean      # To remove generated services
make purge      # To remove generated files such as Swagger/OpenAPI
                #    and protobufs
make docker     # To build Docker images (see next sections)
make run-<cmd>  # To run a specific service (see the cmd directory)

If you wish to rebuild the protocol buffer files, you'll also need protoc and a few more dependencies. Furthermore, to regenerate Swagger and OpenAPI documentation for the REST service, you'll need Swag.

To use make run-<cmd> commands, you need to replace <cmd> with the desired service name, which must always be one of the directory names within the cmd directory, e.g. to run the REST server, use make run-rest.

Generating protocol buffer implementations

First of all, install protoc, the protobuf compiler. Seek out the best package for your Linux distribution or, on Windows, use a package manager such as Chocolatey.

After that, use the Go package manager to install dependencies:

go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@latest
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@latest

Finally, use make protobufs for an automated generation of files.

Generating Swagger and OpenAPI documentation

First install the swag tool:

go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest

Finally, cd to cmd/rest, then run swag init.

Building Docker images

If you wish to build a single Docker image, use a command like the following:

docker image build \
	-f _deploy/Dockerfile \
	--target MODULENAME \

Possible names for MODULENAME:

  • minerva_go_rest (REST API Gateway + Swagger, runs on port 9000);
  • minerva_go_user (gRPC, runs on port 9010);
  • minerva_go_session (gRPC, runs on port 9011);
  • minerva_go_products (gRPC, runs on port 9012).
  • minerva_go_tenant (gRPC, runs on port 9013).

Cross-platform build

If you're using BuildKit, you can also generate cross-platform images (and push them to DockerHub) by abusing the --platform argument. The following example generates an image of minerva_go_rest for Linux on 64-bit Intel and ARM platforms, then pushes them to DockerHub under my username:

docker buildx build \
	-f _deploy/Dockerfile \
	--target minerva_go_rest \
	--platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
	-t luksamuk/minerva_go_rest \
	--push \

Building for Plan 9

There is an experimental build method which will build the modules for Plan 9 under an ARM architecture. This is due to my current setup where Plan 9 is run in a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ with a 32-bit ARM kernel.

If you wish to build Plan 9 binaries, use the following:

make plan9

Binaries will be created in 9bin. You may also want to take a look at the script in extra/runsvc.rc for ease of use in Plan 9.


Migrations are executed by using the Atlas tool. For more information on Atlas integration with GORM, see this link.

To install Atlas, use:

curl -sSf https://atlasgo.sh | sh

This also uses the Atlas GORM Provider, which is installed as a project dependency.