
:monkey: Vagrantfile for Kong development environment

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Vagrant is used to create an isolated development environment for Kong including Postgres.

Starting the environment

Once you have Vagrant installed, follow those steps:

# clone the Kong repo and switch to the next branch to use the latest, unrelease code
$ git clone https://github.com/Mashape/kong
$ cd kong
$ git checkout next

# clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Mashape/kong-vagrant
$ cd kong-vagrant/

# start a box with a folder synced to your local Kong clone
$ KONG_PATH=/path/to/kong/clone/ vagrant up

This will tell Vagrant to mount your local Kong repository under the guest's /kong folder.

The startup process will install all the dependencies necessary for developing (including Postgres). The Kong source code is mounted at /kong. The host ports 8000, 8001 and 8443 will be forwarded to the Vagrant box.

Environment Variables

You can alter the behavior of the provision step by setting the following environment variables:

name description default
KONG_PATH the path to mount your local Kong source under the guest's /kong folder ../kong
KONG_VERSION the Kong version number to download and install at the provision step 0.9.5
KONG_VB_MEM virtual machine memory (RAM) size (in MB) 512

Building and running Kong

To build Kong execute the following commands:

# SSH into the vagrant box
$ vagrant ssh

# switch to the mounted Kong repo
$ cd /kong

# install Kong
$ make dev

# start Kong
$ kong start

Testing Kong

To verify Kong is running successfully, execute the following command from the host machine:

$ curl http://localhost:8001

You should receive a JSON response:

  "tagline": "Welcome to Kong",
  "version": "x.x.x",
  "hostname": "precise64",
  "lua_version": "LuaJIT 2.1.0-alpha",
  "plugins": {
    "enabled_in_cluster": {},
    "available_on_server": [


The lua_package_path directive in the configuration specifies that the Lua code in your local folder will be used in favor of the system installation. The lua_code_cache directive being turned off, you can start Kong, edit your local files (on your host machine), and test your code without restarting Kong.

Eventually, familiarize yourself with the Makefile Operations.

Known Issues

DNS failure

If for some reason the Vagrant box doesn't resolve properly DNS names, please execute the following comand on the host:

$ vagrant halt
$ VBoxManage modifyvm "vagrant_kong" --natdnsproxy1 on

and then re-provision the image by running:

$ vagrant up --provision

Incompatible versions error

When Kong starts it can give errors for incompatible versions. This happens for example when depedencies have been updated. eg. 0.9.2 required Openresty, whilst 0.9.5 requires

So please reprovision it and specify the proper version you want to work with (either newer or older, see the defaults above), as in the example below with version 0.9.2;

# clone the Kong repo and switch explicitly to the 0.9.2 version.
# this will get the proper Kong source code for the version.
$ git clone https://github.com/Mashape/kong
$ cd kong
$ git checkout 0.9.2

# clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Mashape/kong-vagrant
$ cd kong-vagrant/

# start a box with a folder synced to your local Kong clone, and
# specifically targetting 0.9.2, to get the required binary versions
$ KONG_PATH=/path/to/kong/clone/ KONG_VERSION=0.9.2 vagrant up

Enterprise Support

Support, Demo, Training, API Certifications and Consulting available at http://getkong.org/enterprise.