Benchmarks for Corruption Invariant Person Re-identification. [NeurIPS 2021 Track on Datasets and Benchmarks]
- amadeuzou
- ast0414Georgia Institute of Technology
- AsuradaYuciDLUT phd candidate, IIAU
- austinggHanzhou, China
- carllhsiung
- CastleJinAislab
- CharlotteE67Southern University of Science and Technology
- Chenfeng1271P.h.D student@University of Adelaide
- CompliceU
- diggerduBytedance AI Lab
- Extremespeed
- fly51flyPRIS
- fubel@virtualstaging-ai
- handong1587
- hoangnt2601Nautilus JSC
- interactivetechNYC
- JegernOUTT@smallcloudai
- Kaleido0
- KevinDocelTsinghua University
- linjie98Hangzhou, China
- liviust@AIMultimediaLab
- luoaolalalaSUSTech
- maxingan2412University of Bonn
- owlwangACRCloud
- shivangibithelInternational Business Machines
- tacalvinPhD Candidate @ VCG @ UCR
- thanit456Siam Commercial Bank
- TomHardy1138Axxonsoft
- TPCDLeiden University
- ttengwangThe University of Hong Kong
- workingcoderBeijing Jiaotong University
- Yukun-HuangThe University of Hong Kong
- ZhongqunZHANGUniversity of Birmingham
- zkcys001Ant Research
- Zoky-2020HKUST
- zugofn