
A research project on trajectory compression

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT



This is a research project on trajectory compression. We will implement three trajectory simplication algorithms (DP,FBQS,OPERB) in this repository.


  • python3
  • unrar
  • g++
  • make
  • Ubuntu 16.04

Test Douglas-Peucker algorithm on Taxi dataset

About the dataset

The taxi dataset on http://mashuai.buaa.edu.cn/traj.html includes 100 trajectories collected by sensors on taxi. A trajectory has 39,100 data points on average. The size of the dataset is 36.3M

Get the Repository

git clone https://github.com/Hannnnnn/Trajectory-Compression-Algorithm.git
cd Trajectory-Compression-Algorithm

Download and Preprocess the Dataset

chmod 777 taxi_dataset.sh

Generate the Executable File and Get Result

cd src
./prog error_bound size algorithm_type

Note: error_bound means the error boundary(meters).
You can set error boundary when you run the program.
Size means the number of trajectory the program will compress.
Example: ./prog 10.0 100 operb This means the program will compress 100 trajectories with error bound 10 meters by OPERB algorithm.
You can also enter prameter "dp" or "operba" to use DP or OPERB-A algorithm. You will get result.txt in src folder after the program is done.
It includes the average compress ratio and running time of program.


Fixed error bound,different point size


Different error bound on three dataset (time)


Different error bound on three dataset (compression ratio)



  1. The OPERB algorithm is a efficient trajectory simplication algorithm. However the improvement compared with DP is not obvious when error bound is large.
  2. The aggressive approach can imporve the compression ratio when error bound is small.
  3. The proof in OPERB paper is not conviencing (magic number).