
Image to 3d with VFusion3D and Stable-fast-3d

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


When using imto3dv2.py speed is slow when calling api maybe due to internet speed of the server or the limit of free sup get huggingface pro may reduce the generate time.

for greatest performance please use imto3dv2.ipynb Open In Colab

or https://www.kaggle.com/code/minhtranv/image-to-3d-web-app-with-gradio-and-ngrok

How to use



requires a token generated from, remember to gain READ in token setting: https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens also u need to fill in the access form in this link : https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-fast-3d

Best performance

Following step in

Open In Colab

if colab runout of compute unit then use kaggle : https://www.kaggle.com/code/minhtranv/image-to-3d-web-app-with-gradio-and-ngrok


While runing on kaggle. Kaggle block direct web deploy on thier server so we need to use ngrok to create a tunnel link to our local host on kaggle server You will access app via tunel link. Remember to read instruction in kaggle

On kaggle app will be access via the public link


app should look like this


Slower way

create a folder named: Github , then u need to set the clone directory in to that folder.

which should look like that : ./Github

then clone the repo to github folder u created before

final link should look like : ./Github/9.5AI_techday

library require 1 : gradio 2 : Opencv

Finally run imto3dv2.py and the app will deploy in the local link which will show in your terminal.