
Check the likelihood that two faces belong to the same person. You will get a confidence score and thresholds to evaluate the similarity. Play with our MiniAiLive Face Recognition & 3D Face Passive Liveness Detection Engine!

MiniAiLive Face Matching Algorithm iOS SDK

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Welcome to the MiniAiLive!

Check the likelihood that two faces belong to the same person. You will get a confidence score and thresholds to evaluate the similarity. Feel free to use our MiniAI Face Matching iOS SDK.

Please Contact US for testing on your iOS device.


  • Our SDK is fully on-premise, processing all happens on hosting server and no data leaves server.

Test Result

Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Test6


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Feel free to Contact US to get a trial License.

Try Online Demo

Please visit our Face API Web Demo here. https://demo.miniai.live

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4 FaceRecognition-LivenessDetection-Windows-SDK Face Matching, 3D Face Passive Liveness
5 FaceLivenessDetection-Android-SDK 3D Face Passive Liveness
6 FaceLivenessDetection-iOS-SDK 3D Face Passive Liveness
7 FaceLivenessDetection-Linux-SDK 3D Face Passive Liveness
8 FaceMatching-Android-SDK 1:1 Face Matching
9 FaceMatching-iOS-SDK 1:1 Face Matching
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15 ID-DocumentRecognition-Windows-SDK ID Document, Credit, MRZ Recognition

About MiniAiLive

MiniAiLive is a leading AI solutions company specializing in computer vision and machine learning technologies. We provide cutting-edge solutions for various industries, leveraging the power of AI to drive innovation and efficiency.

Contact US

For any inquiries or questions, please Contact US
